Shamans - why are we still waiting?

Its never about 1v1, my guy. People are still talking about 1v1’s? Shaman can kill faster, more often! Shaman are better than Paladins! Better tanks. Better Damage dealers. Equally bad healers!

You think? Could have fooled me

ret can win 1 out of 3 with a 5 minute bubble you are delusional.

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I think part of the problem is these insane tanking runes. I feel like tank rune mitigation should be significantly spread through multiple rune slots, similar to healing. That way shamans aren’t running around bursting people down in seconds with 4500 hp at the same time.

Just a thought.

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No. Equally geared opponents arent getting 1v3.

Whats stopping the otehr 2 from just running away? Thats not happening. If a raid geared Ret fights some fres 40’s, maybe…but who couldnt do that.

Stop lying.

For the record, just because something is easy doesn’t mean there isn’t a high skill cap. Shamans have incredibly high skill caps, possibly more than any other class in the game. However like you said, it’s also literally easier than ret. I can’t imagine a truly good shaman. I’ve done a few STV’s with some total zugg enh shamans and they are dropping everything, but at the same time don’t realize when they are 70 yards from their team lol

Is that possible?? :laughing::yum:

I felt my brain smoothing out trying to figure out what the hell…

1 out of 3 fights =/= 1v3. He’s not fighting 3 players at once, he’s engaging in 1v1s 3 times in the span of 5 minutes.

I have a thread for you.

Derp. My b.

Pretty much this. I just don’t feel like playing – it’s not enjoyable.

For months I’ve heard crying about how they are the LEAST played class yet there is a minimum of 3 of them in any WSG and 5 in AB.

They have multiple problematic builds as well. WoE needs to be utterly gutted from enhancement playstyle and decoy totem needs a drastic nerf.

They need to retain their status of a high damage, offensive support while retaining weaknesses of mobility and survival.

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Scorpids and hunters were nerfed because they werent balanced. Shaman are balanced therefore no nerfs only buffs. Do you understand?

Whats balanced about hitting someone 7 times and wrecking them in less than a second? Alsp have all the benefits of a tank/healer with damage reduction, healing, mobility etc.

Too powerful.


You are pathetic if you think shaman are fine


Hunters were just as balanced as shamans are now. How does a tank manage to out dps 75% of dps specs??? Then in pvp global every class… lol balanced - literally delusional.


Dw tank sham is the exact same concept as dw fury tank. You give up armor and mitigation for damage. Pretty hard to understand for a hunter player though lmao

yeah, i take the dev words with a mountain of salt :expressionless:

don’t even engage with the shamans. they cannot be reasoned with. they’re addicted to the siren song of OP :expressionless:
and the ones bringing up ret paladins are just trying to distract you


they are delusional - imagine being the tankiest class in the game and out dps 75% of dps specs - yess according to logs – and then pretend that doesnt translate to pvp literally 1 shotting people - earthbind spam LL = win - such a pathetic braindead class


To put it in clear terms they have the defensive capabilities of a tank paladin with the offense of a boomkin.

They can get into a shooting match and win.

People know too because of all the FOTM shaman everywhere. Elemental and enhancement are really overtuned at the moment.

Horde BGs are just shadow priests and shaman with one sad stubborn warrior.