Shamans - why are we still waiting?

most broken class to date

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It was all about PVP…

lol my gnomer geared feral just got global by an enhance shaman from 100-0. And shamans pretend that they are “just good” This is beyond ridiculous.

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ummm… no? elemental shaman would global them with lava burst and retained their immense tankiness lol not at all were paladins over shamans in phase one. the only difference was that it was elemental shamans instead of the insanely tuned enhance shamans that might single handedly cause pvp to die out and end SoD.

Don’t worry. Most Shamans foolishly run Wf/Rb and sham rage. Instead of rb/rb, WoE, and pant swap to shammy rage when needed.

Only you believe that.

Nerf pallies first, ty.


This is just factually incorrect. You should try reading the patch notes. You know the part where they mention the impact on healers for group content and the buffs to other parts of the damage kit.

They don’t really care that much about PVP balance.

We are waiting because devs are having fun with shamans

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Bring on the nerfs!

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I hope so!!

Hunters, priests and Druids all beg to differ.

SoD appears very much to be on the back burner but hopefully these garboons can be convinced to come check out what’s going on over here eventually and bring Shamans back down to earth.

It seems your mad that your not the 1 killing people in your cheezy stun lock combo.

Seems salty player chose rogue and is now regretting decision.

Ill take things that never happend for 1000 alex

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Try asking one more time, let’s see

They can make changes for PVP while not caring much about it overall.

Also im not sure if you were aware, but that insult you used is a racist one. If you weren’t aware I would avoid it in the future.

I’d like to to remind you that the broken classes in p1 stayed OP for longer than this. Remember the unkillable 3 priest healer teams in bgs? yeah that went on for months

pally bubble should reduce their movement speed while bubbled.

Man this is just insane…
Screenshot Evidence of Shamans hitting 1600 AP in Scarlet Monestary Gear:

1597 AP in Scarlet Monestary Gear 12.7% crit, at least 10% hit from a rune… yeah this is insane shamans need to be nerfed as of yesterday.