Shamans - why are we still waiting?

All these nerf shaman threads just make me giggle. Alliance need to learn to play. Whine whine whine 24/7 about shamans while not recognizing how OP paladins are.


I don’t even know how to “l2p” it when 2 shamans were sitting outside BFD when i was there to help and just annihilated me in 1 second. Just roll around with 2-3 pallies at all times or something? It’s crazy how all the shamans on the forums act like they aren’t OP while in game they gleefully abuse their power right now. Those guys were sitting there for at least half an hour obliterating anyone that logout skipped or dare walk out, being 40 in tank gear didn’t make a difference.

Clearly, Blizzard wants to balance server populations and it seems to be working.

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bro, you forgot windfury

Right when are they going to address that shaman is the only melee without a stun!


Every time I think I have a bad opinion, I remind myself that you wrote this on purpose.

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My 2h weapon attacks hit for less damage than shaman dual wielding auto attacks. It takes twice as long for my swing timer as well. Overall I’m hitting them for 25 damage in the same time it takes them to do 100 damage to me. Plus they have significantly more health than me.

Shaman are so much stronger than paladins that it isn’t even comparable.

After he nerfs Starsurge for PVP reasons lol


your gear is trash man. Once you’re fully raid geared you might have an argument but looking at what you’ve got equipped it’s no wonder the average shaman is beating the snot out of you. None of your gear is even enchanted lol.


Phase 1: Let priest/hunter ruin bgs for 2 months
Phase 2: Let shamans ruin bgs for 2 months

I’m starting to notice a pattern with these devs. I’ve actually queued a grand total of 0 battlegrounds since phase 1 because phase 1 has cured me of any desire to do battlegrounds for a long time.

That’s great cope dude. Hope it helps you sleep at night. An equally geared shaman is doing 2x my damage. That’s not changing with more gear.

Please let Phase 3 be warlocks ruin BGs for 2 months :slight_smile:

The ret nerf thread is a troll, no one serious actually thinks they’re strong.

Hey everyone in here reading, posted a thread relevant to this topic check it out!

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Priest have been broken since November

This team doesn’t care for imbalance. Even game-breaking imbalance.

they do have a stun, its called killing them after one global lol a perminant stun that also sends u to a spirit healer

I heard they are letting dots crit, if that’s the case they will.

Bless, death the strongest of CCs

Lololol they are balanced lolololololol - scorpid was balanced too in that case for p1 hunter. You cried about hunters in previous posts then try and say a tank that does more dps than 60% of the dps classes is balanced in pve or pvp - lololololol

Skill issue.

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