Shamans - why are we still waiting?

yeah, whatever you say shaman :expressionless:

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that’s not how balance works :expressionless:


What’s broken specifically?

I don’t play a shaman, and never have. In SoD, I play Alliance. Sometimes, I face shamans in the wild (STV Bloodmoon, for example), or in BGs, and have definitely been in situations where I’ve charged a shaman, who turned around and killed me, seemingly without a care in the world.

Not always though, and I don’t have enough experience with shamans to know specifically what you mean by “they are so incredibly broken.”


Shamans need to be brought into line with every other class in the game and need fundamental and resounding nerfs to their damage output, healing and innate resiliance rune which can be used while in full dps spec.


Shamans definitely need massive nerfs.


Yeah, nerf paladins, make their bubbles be a 75% damage reduction, not an immune, I agree Grimnihr, good suggestions.


Give shaman shattering throw.


Please nerf shamans now!


2h enhance should do the same dps or more.

50% wf chance :smiley:

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This is a goated response


Why would I play the carebear faction? Its for streamers and washed up old men with slow reaction time. You made your bed lmao

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Optimally you would get good and move on instead of spamming the forums begging to nerf class X when it is not that much OP and other classes have been MUCH MORE OP for so much longer.

Paladins, for example, throughout the whole Phase 1.

I guess it only hurts when you feel it, righjt.


And some classes do what Ret can on a 3 or even 2 minute CD but nobody seems to care


Nope. Try again for a copper?

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Seroiously F@%k the Horde and F35K shamans

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I take the nerf if i get the ability of proccing my seals from crusader strike, wf, Divine storm judgment, holy shock, exo.

Becare of nerfing DS because ret get a massive buff in their damage, since divine shield is the only thing stopping a ret buff in damage for PVP :wink: Thats why they are only buffing Seal of martyr because it is not good in pvp.

It’s only enhance. Ele receives literally any pressure and just stops getting to cast.

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Yes give us 10s invul 100% HP heal 90% dispersion bubbles spammable instant cast nukes and stuns. Please do ‘bring us into line’.


Ok nerf WoE then globally nerf PvP damage so we don’t fall over faster than warriors.

Other classes have as much or more burst. This is a widespread issue, not unique to shaman.

We literally do not have a tank spec. Also nerf WoE for pvp, most of us are fine with that.

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I mean I don’t think storm strike in this iteration of the game was meant for dual wielding

The ap scaling is kinda high rn
It feels like they are hitting with two hander weapons in each hand

The only thing I could see then doing is either only allowing storm strike to attack with the main hand only twice

Instead 4 times (twice each weapon)

But they won’t change talents so probably just ap ratio scaling