Shamans still overperforming and Ret is still a meme

Shhhh it’s only broken if they don’t benefit from it.


its almost like alliance was as strong as horde before blizzard gave them every good alliance racial and every good paladin spell while giving alliance nothing back

you need to touch grass, horde statistically has every advantage now and was only balanced with alliance during BFD where horde had far superior racials but alliance had one gimmick, now horde has every good racial and every spell alliance has while alliance gets to keep useless racials and shamans are much higher dps than paladins and better healers, the list of advantages goes on for horde

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Alliance should just quit I guess if it’s so bad.

Having too much fun destroying horde in pvp and watching them complain about a class that can be kited by a level 1 mage

They said they were going to address this by putting more weap skill on gear, which means humans could wear different gear to get a greater benifit.

Giving everyone all the weapon skills is very different solution

So you won’t be using Wildstrikes then?

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its not the same, you need 4 ferals vs shamans 1 wf totem

and shamans are literally everywhere because they are overpowered, while feral is rare and not a good spec

meanwhill horde has a better cleanse than paladin and a better blessing of salvation

again…touch grass horde



Dead silence after getting called out with facts.

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You really have no idea how totems work do you?

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Yeah, keep misinterpreting. They were never going to make it stackable.

Shaman’s aren’t the bottom of the barrel? Better complain they are overperforming.



Weapon skill value drops off pretty hard. humans/orcs using swords+maces/axes didn’t need edge masters, and could use different gloves.

Pre-SOD devs made it sound like there would be more edgemaster like items. Therefore if you had the weapon skill you can equip different items instead. Giving everyone the weapon skill makes everyones bis the same.

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horde has shamans in every group by default, they are top 3 dps so every group will have a WF, puting a feral in every melee group is already worse than just having shamans

you have no idea what the current balance of the specs is like

Paladins are indeed worthless. Yet every BG I try to do, I end up getting stuck with half the group being paladins.

We lose. Every time.

Really would prefer if the class deleted from the game if it can’t be buffed. Right now even though I’m not playing the class, it is harming my fun just by existing next to me as a massive handicap to my team.


“By default”

No they don’t. Imagine making things up so you don’t look stupid.

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This is all true but, shaman cannot dispel magic , which is why it is so adept at poisons and diseases.

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Have you been crit by a Elemental shaman for 3.1k in a single attack today?

4200 damage in under 5 seconds.

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Nope, but I guess as enhancement I know shaman well enough to bully eles. They can’t do anything to me, because I’ll sit on them and punish them and there is nothing they can do about it because the garbage class has 0 way to hard cc and peal me off of them. Kick lava burst. Ez.

Eles probably need root totem or hex. Or an instant ghostwolf. They are turrets to be focused.

tank shaman dmg is garbage unless its aoe. The only place tank shaman shines in the entire game now.


True, but Paldins can’t offensive dispel magic, so shouldn’t that also mean they should be better with their cleanses also?

I don’t disagree with what you’re saying, and personally I think Poison/Disease Cleansing Totem is quite interesting for it’s unique niche use.
I just think the initial comment that I replied to of “Paladins can cure poison too” was quite asinine and ignorant/dismissive.

Like currently Shaman pretty much run rings around Paladin in every aspect so it’s pretty poor form the condescending manner in which some of the ignorant posts are made with when ever someone mentions that perhaps Shaman are performing a little bit too well.

Honestly I wish more of these posters were a bit more like you who (ironically) typically appears considerably more respectful/considerate than a lot of these other posters.