Shamans still overperforming and Ret is still a meme

I just had a paladin completely own me while in bubble (the near 900 point Seal of Command crit didn’t help me a whole lot.)

I kinda wish Shadowplay video was working because I wanted to save and, upload, highlight it as an example for all the ret noobs to know what it is to play their class instead of noobleting around and get “far enough” because of the bubble- and never actually learn how to play their class.

The guy actually used his toolkit and destroyed me. (Doesn’t help that bubble also prevents getting any MSW procs.)


1 GCD to remove one poison from one person
1 GCD to remove 1 poison from all nearby party members and automatically removes another one from all party members every few seconds until the totem dies.


Somehow these don’t seem equal…


Honestly, I wish for a week they would make it so that Paladins can’t use Divine Shield so that other classes can realize just how garbage paladins are otherwise lol. Oh no, you got killed by a paladin once every 5 minutes… Woe is you.

while i have no problem with things being a little different and im not in full agreement with the OP. you acting like the shaman totem isnt a massive advantage over the pally cleanse. we spent all of phase 2 being gaslit by shamans that shaman wasnt overtuned and that everyone else just needed to learn their class. we dont need a repeat in p3.


I think he was secretly in love with a Shaman, but his love was was unrequited. In his spurned state he spits vitriol and asks for constant nerfs hoping his love will come back to him once there in a weakened state.


Look at you swapping to your alt character lol.


??? This is literally the only character I’ve been posting on for a while. I tried to switch to my main a few times, but every time I click on it in the change character screen, nothing happens. Who are you suggesting that I am? lol

Also, to show how broken these forums are… this character has been 40 for weeks and still shows 39 :expressionless:

Sorry friend you have a very similar name to a forum troll we all know as “Bowzo”. He’s an unhinged Dwarf that has absolutely hates Shaman’s for some reason.


I didn’t say they were equal. That’s not how Vanilla worked.

If there was no option for Alliance to handle the mechanic then there would be an issue but they do.

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We know people will complain no matter what!

My guess would be, “No.”


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Incredibly ridiculous notion to compare manually cleaning a Poison off a single target to pressing a single button and cleansing the entire party every 5s for 2 minutes.

Even if you spent every GCD Cleansing individuals as a Paladin and had the mana to do so, you are 1 Cleanse short of Cleansing Totem every 5s before considering that you are literally doing nothing else.
But nah, same thing right?


An ambiguous message saying you shouldn’t be ‘punished’ for the race you chose has the ironic effect of making their choice feel like it has less meaning. They never said clearly what was being rolled out, or literally no one in SoD would be playing a human right now. That is worth considering.

Weapon skill should just not exist as racials imo, an interesting alternative to weapon spec racials for both factions and all races would have been more fun.


Are totems new? its almost as if totems never existed before SoD. Stop all the QQs and play the game.

My guild played Alliance in Era and we choose Horde for SoD. I was torn between mage, lock, sham. So, glad I choose Ele (enjoyed it went I played it on a pserver).

I’m also glad we went horde I couldnt stand all the crying the alliance have been doing. Can you imagine SW/IF. LOL


LOL. Again…where did I say they were the same? This isn’t Retail where everything is homogenous. If Alliance had no way to handle the mechanic then there would be an issue.

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Why not they still have diplomacy, perception. smh…


Let’s not pretend like Shaman also don’t have access to Cure Poison and Cure Disease, ontop of an offensive dispel, as well as another passive totem that cleanses all party members of disease for 2 minutes.


Your somewhat adversarial comment proves my point. We agree! Appreciate you

Damn you should have rolled a Shaman? Sucks to be you I guess?

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So you would have been totally ok if Mekka in Gnomer only summoned bombs for Horde?

Because that is what you are referring to, one faction being able to “handle it” whilst the other completely ignores the mechanic.

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You mean like how Paladins could cheese Aku’mai in BFD?