Shamans become RAID BOSSES in p4, so

…because healing is reduced by 30%?

It’s better than nothing… but I would gladly give up Riptide in a second for a damned stun.

ayyyy you get a 45 sec CD stun now too, only 2 sec tho

Make it s book. :wink:

not seeing anything about Aggrend crapping on shams :thinking:

you can have it as a book when I can shut it down in a global or 2

Man, everyone has a stun if they want it… get some Iron Grenades and setup your @player macro.

everyone has a 6 sec BoP too if they wanna get the pots lol.

EDIT LOL watching P4 announcement video up now, from MC you can get 2 fist weapons that summon core hounds as well, siiiiick

don’t worry about enhance my dude I think they’ll be just fine

Legit, the Shaman is the first character I’ve ever made where I didn’t feel I absolutely needed Engineering… Not sure if I’m just over it or there’s something there…

/walks on water

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I know it breaks on damage but with AB layout water walking sure would be nice smh…imagine clearing BS and getting from BS to ST without having to travel across all of Narnia

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LOL! I actually did that last night a few times.


what a team

“Yeah in our retiscence to nerf too heavily we probably let them play in the sprinklers for too long, to be fair. Not sure we’d do that again but we are, in general, very hesitant to nerf. It sucks to get nerfed.”

Last time they adjusted a Shaman spec, they sent Raid tanking to the shadowrealm.

That’s a 3 second incap, not a stun. And it’s not even instant.

Everyone has instant heals too, with for 25-40% of their health!
Major Healing Potion.

Will have to go watch that video, but I’m pretty sure the hit dump took a giant **** on them.

(People gawk at the enhance shaman having 10% hit for Dual Wield while forgetting that they are almost ENTIRELY auto attack based… for everything.
The only physical damage yellow hit is Stormstrike on a CD and the only other yellow hit is Lava Lash… on a CD. We don’t get to spam Heroic Strike, or Sinister Strike/Muta, etc…
The only way we get WF is Auto attack hits
The only way we get MSW is Autoattack /WF hits.

They saw the hit problem back in P1…which is why they doubled it.
Now in classic WoWTeam Fashion in order to tune shaman down from only being slightly ahead of the pack other than warrior… they cut their AP… then they cut their AP → SP conversion, then they cut their ability to get the MSW procs in the first place.

EDIT: For context on the off chance you do not know, the hit cap for Dual Wield is about 9% to land yellow (ability hits) It’s 24% to hit with White hits.

With you two not actually playing Shaman, you don’t understand how badly the spec just got clapped. Again… (Choque, your running around in BGs with burn rune doesn’t count, sorry.)

It’s a weird spell type… what do you even call that? It’s instant but takes a second to fire. It’s usable on the move and can’t be interrupted. Still can use it to interrupt, get away, close, or whatever.

It’s an Incapacitation, like Repentance or Freezing Trap.

(Though I don’t think it’s dispellable.)

Right, it is not a hard stun. It’s an instant in cast though, but delayed in casting… it’s weird.

They’re super cheap and I’ve used it on all my chrs in the past.

I wish divine storm or crusader strike proc’d seals

idk why we keep measuring up ret and enhance here lol

I’m Dragonscale and Weaponsmithing, so can’t use nades.

But using this argument:
The shaman missing a stun has to level engineering to get a 3 second Incap.

Paladins have to go to the AH for an instant heal for 4-6x the riptide.
When they’re not healing while:
They’re bubbled
They’re bopped
Their opponent is stunned
Their opponent is incapped by repentance
Their opponent is incapped by nade

As soon as people bring in consumes to say a class is fine, I lose interest.

Paladins could use speed pots to solve their mobility limitation.
They got Divine Steed anyways.

trade for instant heal or shield of vengeance plz

  1. Because they’re the only ones that do most of their combat in melee?
  2. You. lol

hey man just letting you know look forward to that. there’s another item in the 3 set that lets you turn into Magmadar temporarily lmao

my friend who quit playing SoD after rolling a sham on 2nd account to try it out (he’s my r druid pocket healer buddy I’ve mentioned before) kept joking in discord and saying “I’m not coming back to SoD unless they buff shamans, they need to give us a rune to turn into Ragnaros” that makes the Magmadar bit even funnier

If Enhance stays the way it was in the last PTR… I’m 2H for sure.

Which makes all the warriors in my raid happy as it means they won’t have to go for Nightfall.

In same gear with 2H Garbage ST weapon (Dragonkin AP), 2H was stronger than DW with twin Snake Clobs… by a good margin.

And that’s even while missing a weapon button to use.

The DW Hit penalty to Enhance is just too brutal.