Shamans become RAID BOSSES in p4, so

Wings being purgeable isn’t a very strong argument IMO.

there’s only 2/8 classes you’ll fight that can purge it.
Makes it less reliable in BGs with Shamans/Priests…but uneffected entirely if there are no Shamans/Priests

Kinda like me complaining that Flameshock/Frost Shock can be dispelled by 2 classes on the alliance. (And Repentence/HoJ can only be removed by one class on the horde.)

in BG, there will be both shamans and priests guaranteed lol. in 1v1, you’re not going to lock yourself out of bubble to kill someone faster unless you know they can’t trinket the HoJ

…and in BGs once FS is reduced to 1-3 targets, Shammies can expect FS to be removed immediately and disable Power Surge rune and Lava Burst crit…

I’m not asking for it not to be dispellable.

because that ain’t happening lmao

Aggrend said enjoy your time in the sprinkler because “getting nerfed sucks”

Yeah I saw that. (Said we enjoyed it too long)

Just hoping he manages to do a sensible nerf based on the reasonable feedback, as opposed to Shammy Tank II: Elemental Boogaloo

We already got clobbered on Enh (again.)

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ah yes, the motto of SoD development team

lol I’m not throwing any hostility at you on this one brother, just saying their track record shows otherwise

did something else change recently besides MSW heals? enhance will still be strong P4 at least, paladin doesn’t seem like it will be bad, but needs more adjustments.

Well… if we get treated like SPriests in P2, we’ll be okay. :wink:

Nerfed SW:D, and buffed the other ones to “fix” them.

Now that MSW/MD doesn’t apply to heals, I want it to be a book like Exorcism.

a closer comparison would be making sheath of light and MSW both books. I would be ok with this. currently can’t take that 50% wall you mentioned because it shares slot with sheath.

edit: mixed up MD with MSW but point still stands

also pointing out that yes we have bubble to get heals off, but 0 actual instant heals. would have much rather had an instant heal than steed tbh

still get LHW with MSW, we should get flash of light instant with AoW on some kind of like 6-8 sec ICD

Picture the shaman having instant heals and also the bubbles.
(That’s why they didn’t let AoW make FoL instant.)

nah but enhance can still run riptide, earth shield, and instant LHW MSW heals in P4. bubble 5 min CD, wolves 3 min CD, and they heal you and give movement speed lol

also 1 min CD 20% wall

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Bubble 5 min CD (and it’s not a heal, you can just prevent getting the damage in the first place so you can beat them up and then enjoy the fact they’re trying to heal instead of beating you up after the bubble falls off.)

And then there’s BoP for healing. (Yes, dispellable, but that doesn’t help 6/8 classes.)

And then in 1v1 there’s
Stun and damage then Repent and heal…

Paladins are incredibly hard to kill even without the instant heals compared to anyone else.

not in a BG lol. in 1v1, sure.

also only protects from phys damage, so warriors, rogues, and late P3ers playing feral lol. and the only offensive actions you can take are spells (exo, judgement, hoj, rep)

so we should only be able to reliably heal as a frontline melee hybrid in a teamfight every 5 mins VS your constant melee hybrid healing?

Paladins are the slowest to die in BGs too… lol
(Priests close second with Dispersion)

So that particular one is only useful against 3/8 classes. lol

Bubble is proof against 8/8 (6/8 if you’re fight a prot warrior or Balefire mage for some reason)
Repentance is 8/8
BoP is 3/8
HoJ is 8/8
LoH is 8/8

Constant instant healing only works if we’re punching something, and we’re also being punched back in that time.

And it requires an average of 16 hits (not glancing blows or misses) to get an instant heal. (And DW just took a bullet to Hit so now we’re gonna be slightly better than level 30 fury warriors and worse than rogues.)

And now all that, for a non-SP LHW.

in the initial clash sure, we live longer. overall BG duration though, very easy for ranged to focus down. we are both susceptible to this but currently you have an edge for overall duration VS I am a live lord 12 sec every 5 mins

wait wut? new bug discovered? I knew balefire was hitting through bub, maybe intentionally idk, did not know about prot though

I’m sure riptide and earth shield and 20% wall 1 min CD and wolves healing will help make up for this

What part of ranged being able to focus you down doesn’t apply to Shamans?
(Outside of being invulnerable for 12 seconds obvious.)

AFAIK Shield slam can’t hurt Paladins through bubble, but if the Dispel (50%) procs, it can take Div shield off.

You do realize that Riptide heals for about 350 health (aura), on a 6 Second CD.

I’ve been hit by a SoC Proc crit for 3x that.
And Earth Shield is 158…every 3 seconds (only activates on you being hit, each time.)

With my 20% Well on a 1mn, I’m ALMOST up to paladin levels of Physical Resistance between plate armor and the damage aura on 100% uptime.

initially, with a HoT as well

hitting someone close to you to build MSW lol. I said we both face this issue, but I am stronger than you at surviving it every 5 mins whereas you can get instant heals out by hitting nearest target to build MSW. however I’ve also said it’s much less strong in current DR/HR and don’t feel it’s much of an issue. but it is an advantage you have in a full BG duration that I do not. again, not complaining, just making comparison

the real problem P4 will be WoE rockbiter ele with a 1 min wall, shielded mail, 10% more DR, 30% more health, 6% crit resist, riptide, earth shield, burn still allowing 5 target FS spread, and AoE rooting while also buffing FS damage and pumping out instant overload LBs with 100% crit chance and shortened CL CD

absolutely busted joke of a spec that anyone will be able to keyboard turn and click and do well with

350 over 15 seconds?

Pretty sure you have a Seal that heals more than that.

Might get a proc in 3 seconds… might get a proc in 25 seconds.
I feel like y’all operate on the assumption we get a MSW stack every 3-4 seconds.
(Not True)

This would be like me declaring that you get to throw Exorcism every 3 seconds…

You have 5 ways to prevent yourself from taking damage, and the tankiness to get back to your lines. (And the ability to dispell anyone trying to root you, repeatly.)

Anyone I’m trying to work up MSW on is also going to be hitting me.

Yeah, ele needs tuned… but don’t be surprised when the forums come for the Paladin in P4. (Especially as it’s confirmed from aggrend Shammies are about to get crapped on more.)

Also, Elemental isn’t having Earth Shield and WoE at the same time.
They get to pick tankier with less SP and 0% pushback resistance… or 158 healing every 3 seconds with 30% pushback resistance and no Lightning Shield…

The only actual thing I have to look forward to on the ele side is the AoE root so I can try to get out. (But then there’s 2 classes on yourside which get to dispell roots/slows on demand with no CD.)

You actually did the, “I was only pretending to be stupid,” excuse. Literal rockbiter.

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oops I knew that my bad lol, wrong to say they had that option

huh? source?

Come on man… Why the low balling?

225 Mana 40 yd range
Instant cast 6 sec cooldown
Heals a friendly target for 458 to 498 and another 486 over 15 sec. Your next Chain Heal cast on that primary target within 15 sec will consume the healing over time effect and increase the amount of the Chain Heal by 25%. This spell also triggers Ancestral Awakening.

It’s an amazing ability… on one rune that is in a slot that gives up little and every spec can use it… while on the move.

Also, why didn’t you let me know about Elemental Fury? That’s cold man…