Shamans become RAID BOSSES in p4, so

The elemental shaman is an invincible raid boss in pvp right now.

  • He just uses the tank rune (which was nerfed only for enha, but they forgot about the shaman elemental)
  • Instant and very strong healing - riptide (insta heal + hot)
  • Wolves that provide speed, healing and deal good damage to the enemy. (cool idea so that the elem shaman could kite and run from his opponents)
    -Decoy totem that will take away control or damage and give you freedom
  • 100% crit Lava burst when shocked
  • Overload, really?

At the moment, no other class can defeat the shaman (a good player).

So, we need to

  • decrese casting speed and spell damage when using tank rune for 50% and increse treat for saving tanks in pve
  • bind riptide for healer shaman only (so u need last talent in healer talents for using it)
  • bind wolfes for enha only and decreace wolfs hp for 50% or remove the speed for the shaman
  • decoy must end its effect after its destruction
  • decrease crit chance lava burst to 20% wen flameshocked (Why does anyone even have the ability to give 100% crit from an ability that can one-shot?
  • Overload. in order not to touch pve - remove the possibility of proc of this ability for instant spells

The movement speed on shaman with the wolves out is insane. It feels oppressive as a melee. Even with charge/intercept/meat hook they’re out of my range within a split second of my gap closers–and they have the freedom totem to prevent any sort of movement impairment. Can’t stay on top of them at all.

Wolves is the problem. They should not have that speed

ele should not be able to use Wolves it makes no sense it is so overpowered with ele. TBH wolves shouldnt be in SOD. Id rather have feral lunge for enhance. This is off topic but devs Keep on making enhance play exactly like WOTLK and we keep asking for 2H to be the main enhance spec…


Is 100 DPS considered good damage???

This post is hilarious.

Just curious how did you test that? Because bgs have not popped for me once on the PTR so I am guessing you mean a duel. Im sorry you got owned in a duel.

No ele is going to use the tank rune, because in order to activate it you need rockbiter which means they cannot activate their burn rune with flametongue.

Again, more bs. Our healing took a very strong hit. By instant are you refering to riptide? The heal that does around 10% of our health.

They dont do “good” damage and its on a 3 minute CD. Ele sham are more likely going to go with earth, wind, and fire rune, which was recently nerfed in the current ptr build.

Gosh forbid we have an ability to remove snares. Pretty sure every caster does.

Crit that hits for usually no more than 1400 on current when I have been crit for over 2k starfires by druid. Also burn rune is getting nerfed to provide only 2 spell damage per level rather than 4 on current. So it will go from giving 200 on current to providing 120 in P4. It will actually become weaker at 60 than its current version at 50.

A day 1 rune and now all of a sudden you are complaining? That potential second proc that usually does hit for nothing. Especially moving forward with the new burn changes.


All you have to do is literally hit the shaman and he cant cast


There is a reason he isnt talking about about this

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People who still defend ele shaman must literally not care at all about killing off sod pvp completely

Like then the same shamans complain about BG ques

Like just lol


Anyone saying shamans are fine is a troll, 1,5 second cast time on chain lightning, 2 second casts on lightning bolt, lava burst + overload

Theyre burst kings, no other caster comes even close to this. They have ridiculously fast cast, instants, instant with a interrupt on short cd, all the kit mentioned by OP.

Either bring every other class to shaman levels or do something about shamans.
A mage can just wait for death vs a shaman, with his 3 second FFB etc

100 sp is not worth what the tank rune provides.

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The Glorious thing is… All Shaman can equip Overload, Lava Burst, Burn, Power Surge, and Riptide… I personally prefer Maelstrom Weapon over Power Surge though. I gear swap with different runes depending on the situation.

Was in solo Queue for over 2 hours last night for AB… Yeah, queues suck… Luckily, 5 man queue isn’t that bad though.

Just started my AB journey recently, around a dozen games so far… Haven’t lost yet.

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I can see Riptide and Earth Shield getting the same treatment Wild Growth did, nerf it by a huge amount unless you are a healer spec.

I think the biggest problem with Lava Burst is really Power Surge and Burn. Early phases Lava Burst had a lot of setup and was more high risk/high reward. 20 yards hardcast with no spell pushback and needing to dot with Flameshock only on 1 target wasn’t always easy to get off. Power Surge and how its scaled with 5 target Flameshocks from Burn has just made it crazy in BGs. Lava Burst just isn’t a spell that should be instant cast or have its cooldown reset.

They need to bring Burn down back to 3 targets like the other cleave dot runes then go back to the drawing board on Power Surge. It doesn’t do much for Resto or for Ele pve but is way too oppressive in pvp. Honestly I think they should just remove it and replace it with some raid utility instead of a burst rune.


A guy posted on this forum with an amazing fix to all of this. “Shaman P4 PTR Feedback: Rune Layout Adjustments” was his thread name. Very amazing suggestions and very solid logic of rune relocating.

Please do something about this

I read that post…it read like a warr main posting from a Shaman alt. (Though I don’t think it’s just an alt.)

Complained about how strong Feral Spirits are for their 3 minute CD…and then at the end of the post asks for a shorter duration, shorter CD version of it for warriors. Especially amusing after they got the 30minute super CDs cut down to 5 minutes…

Don’t let the 60 shaman under this Paladins name fool you check his posts. What an absolute joke the pink boys turned into

  1. I will defeat any opponent 1v1 if I make an elemental shaman now on PTR, if you think otherwise, practice more in pvp.
  2. An elemental shaman who won’t take the tank rune in pvp now is just a noob who doesn’t understand anything about pvp.
  3. A shaman who is a tank-rdps should not have so many instant spells, especially healing ones.
  4. In addition to good damage, wolves also pursue the target, gives COMBAT, can Stun, and knock down casts back x2. For such an ability the cooldown should be 10 minutes.
  5. Decoy is op, all know that.
  6. Did you lose in a duel to a druid? “Im sorry you got owned in a duel.”
  7. Overload op from the first day it was added, it was buffed for pve and it broke it for pvp
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I laid out my feedback on how fundamentally the location of shamans runes are causing this tankiness issue (and lots of passive-ish healing) on the PTR right now, and how moving around some of them would fix a lot of things in this thread:

In this design, ele sham would have to pick between Way of Earth & Riptide (or another utility spell), not double dip. They would also lose access to instant cast lava burst.

Give it a read!

yeah burn should not work at ALL without flame tongue on. meaning no FS extra dam and no FS spread if you’re running WotE.

currently all you give up is the SP

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