Shamans become RAID BOSSES in p4, so

man I’d reconsider saying that to another class lmao

in all seriousness, I think enhance will be ok, even DW. they’re not going to let you take a massive hit

I can see hunters commiserating about it.

Paladins have only been buffed… literally their first nerf set came in the form of SP to healing and AoW no longer being insta reset.

While they were buffing the hell out of Paladins.
(you can tell that Paladins have been buffed to all hell because they’re completely fine with the changes… except they want Consecration to give them mana back too…which is incredibly tone deaf.)

man, crazy, wonder why. class favoritism?

90% Rockbiter…hasn’t changed.
Tanks might kinda sorta be viable again with being able to Shammy rage so they can cast spells to help keep agro.

I have zilch faith in the wowteam.

Well. the going saying in P1 was “Aggrends playin a pally”

(They kinda jumped the shark in P1 along with Priest, but not so far as hunters to earn the nerf repeater beater)

So in P3 they got some more buffs… and in PTR the sprinkler is being turned into a shower. :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean tbf pets were soloing most people for most of p1 lmao

that was short lived lol

Oh yeah.

My gathering alt is a hunter… and any time a hunter wines about “we got # of nerfs!”

Well yeh, you started out being able to 8man BFD in 20 minutes in quest greens. Not sure exactly where you were expecting to go from there.

That was the longest 10 weeks for Shaman…(Imagine only getting into WSG premade if they didn’t have a kitty FC.)

(Part of why I didn’t feel too awful for the first 2 weeks of P2 being an AB Raid boss, after that, I just wanted to be normalized so PvP was fun for everyone.)

start of p3 PVP was fun imo

not saying it was perfect, but it was more enjoyable for everyone than any other phase pvp I think

Eh… P3 Enhance PvP was dead.

I’ll only be enhance in the open world if I’m part of a group I can trust…it’s just been glass since the beginning of the phase.

Gotta go help my wife get prepped for a camping trip this weekend. TOUCHING GRASS!!!

Later LBWU, may the PTR being reasonable on us all.

hopefully so my dude

The Shaman can do so many things extremely well, I just find it interesting that not having a stun is so important.

It hasnt been missed at all by me yet… at all… Stuns have cooldowns and they aren’t always available and there are workarounds…

My Paladin’s build got nerfed like 5 different ways…

Lost + healing
Lost holy shock resets in AoW
Lost holy shock efficiency in AoW
Lost Hammer of Righteousness damage
Lost Excorcism resets in AoW.

Got a horse though… better be whacking that spellbook Marytr though so dont oom faster than Lava Burst after 5 stacks of Maelstrom!

Continuing the discussion from WoW Classic Season of Discovery Phase 4 PTR Development Notes - Updated 6/28/2024:


P4 PVP cooked, pack it up boys

5% less stats from vindicator (merged with talent), a shockadin cloak rune replacement, and a cloak rune for ret that deals a DoT that will break repentance, and 2 sec of exo reset instead of 1 (the stat reduction+AoW change appearing to be pushing fast 2h to be the meta once again)

the ability to fish for more surge procs from their instant heal rune (now not just from dotting 5 dudes!) with 0 friction (what a surprise)

oh yeah and earth shield and lightning shield are independent of each other so that’s cool too

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Ty all for this season of shamans!

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Wow Wow Wow


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enjoy the hour long ques boys, adios

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I can already see the battleground in the new phase: 10 shamans, 3 rogues, 2 hunters

Was premading AB with my guild last night (2 groups of 5 synced up). We only lost one game, and it was with 8 full-bis shamans deleting everything in sight whilst taking almost no damage. If they did take damage, they would just heal themselves back to full with no issue.

They can ground almost all CC, spam earthbind totem, cleave with flame shock, instant cast lava burst/chain lightning, interrupt on a 6 second cd, do TOP DAMAGE AND TOP HEALING at the same time. Oh, and Shamanistic rage ensures their raid will never, ever go OOM. I’m not even scratching the surface of how broken this class is.

Please nerf them into oblivion, analyze where they’re weak, and then slowly bring them back in line with everything else with calculated, well-thought out buffs. Shamans atm are pretty much the SoD version of early Wrath DKs.

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People just want to see ele shams how they are in cata and TWW (caca de perro)

And I wonder why lol….