Shamans become RAID BOSSES in p4, so

Shaman doesn’t need to cast. Flameshock alone does more damage than basically every other class.

Spell pushback really is irrelevant when a single lava burst hits for an entire health pool.

How much more exaggerated crap can you fit into one post?

Apparently people are just running around with 1.4k health pools.

1.4k is what it does at level 50 with the 30% pvp damage nerf. On the PTR a lava burst with an overload is way more damage.

ive gotten hit by lava burst for 2600+ quite often now in this ptr. i have 3400 hp without the 1200 hp elixer. Shaman is the only class i feel that is clearly op and should be brought down to the other class levels. we should not buff other classes to the shaman level as that will just break the game more

You already answered your own question.

  1. There isn’t a PvP reduction on the PTR.

  2. Yes you will do more damage on the PTR because you are 60….and have giga gear….and consumes. You also have more health.

So you basically want them to do the same damage they do at 50…or less. You realize shamans have already been nerfed? Across multiple specs. Crying for even more nerfs just screams you just want the class gutted.

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there is pvp reduction. do you not play the ptr? why you posting your comments when you havnt even tested the coming potential updates? gtfo lol

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bro they got a slap on the wrist and then a promotion lmao what

every time shaman gets “nerfed” they get overcompensated. P2 to P3 “oh you can’t be a walking T-1000 Terminator anymore but you can instant heal yourself to full also enjoy the massive burn buff”

P3 to P4 “MSW healing takes a hit and no bonus mental dex healing but you can run earth shield on legs now that shammy rage is baseline and you have feral spirits that heal and still have riptide, also burn rune gives less SP, WoE is attractive again but we are buffing FS damage on a different rune to compensate, no CD chain lightning and enjoy AOE rooting everyone”

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Slap on the wrist…

MS healing nerfed, mental dex nerfed, burn provides more spell damage at 50 now than it will at 60 (meanwhile sheath gives 400sp, lol), chain lighting changed from 0 CD to 3 seconds on storm, earth, and fire.

But hey enjoy your talented wings. BUT THEY CAN BE DISPELLED…/cry. Ya, tell that to any class that isn’t a priest or shaman.

yes 1v1 that is surely more important than BGs. literally don’t need wings in a 1v1 anyway, actually better to save bubble vs something that might be a threat. wings in a 1v1 is just to meme on someone you were already going to beat

Pretty sure you will somehow find a use for those sad wings in bgs…

pallies aren’t critting players with level 60 sheath as hard as level 50 ele shams currently are lmao

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yeah it may not be as bad as I initially speculated with purge spam, depends on how much the team wants to prio it, also depends on how many other pallies on the team using it in the clash

sheath of light has been nerfd we do not get 30% spell power we get 30% spell attack now. play the ptr and you’d know this

yeah also true, our healing component to sheath took the same nerf as mental dex

and the HoT was removed from sheath and moved to Fanaticism

You wanna tell me how you test this when bgs don’t pop?

WSG is up on the PTR

WSG weekend nelfs chillin in SW

world pvp and duels. bg’s are not everything. no one plays bgs when your rep capped.

Yes it is…and it never pops.

I’m talking on the PTR…where this conversation is relevant.

The health difference between 50 and the ptr is like 300 hp. The damage difference is dramatically higher.

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