but horde will continue to stack 5-7 of them in a premade. lmaoooo cope
Remember, if you’re fighting CS horde it might look like a premade but often it’s not. A lot of Horde CS queue solo or small groups. Shaman is just a very popular class, especially for alts.
Yeah, they are weak but some how every bg there’s 5+ of them. now imagine them with aq sets hitting lava burst 2x harder than now.
i’ve been part of those premades, and it’s not on purpose. a tonne of people have maxed level shaman characters because they were so strong for 2 phases straight.
btw just got bulldozed by a paladin with a shield. not sure what build that is, but i can’t do any damage to him as enhance while he just mows me down.
I lost an AB with 8 paladins on my team yesterday. Man pallies sure are busted… NOT. Jesus lol the horde copium is 100% pure
should we just assume your team/leader were good? i lost an AB with 7 shamans ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the class is busted. the average player behind them a.k.a keyboard turning roleplaying gamerdad is not.
Posts a brainfart, refuses to elaborate. Freaking chad
A few alliance still gaslight everyone into thinking pallies are not broken when played correctly because 90% of pallies out there indeed suck. I’d rather balance around the 10% that know what they’re doing tbh. Got globalled by 2rets yesterday, had 12k hp and a pocket healer. Literally died in half a sec
Won’t be double. Stop gaslighting.
Still requires a 5% chance to proc to become instant. Still does less damage than ret.
Alliance sure are a strange group of players. Paladins are mid but for reasons there are 8 of them on your team.
Talk about cope.
Yes it will. 60% bonus crit damage plus the aq10 bonus which increase it’s damage by the lava burst crit chance, maybe even more than double who knows.
Somehow they haven’t figured out it’s pretty busted to be able to spin flags with complete immunity for 12 seconds to allow their team time to res. With that kind of boon, losing AB’s is embarrassing…
You get a lot because shamans have 4 specs. So lots of different flavors for a player to play.
Standard alliance premade core: 3-4 healers, 3-4 rets, 3 boomies, 1 war, 1 mage, 1 lock, couple of sp/hunts to fill the rest
The delusion is real with them hahahahah
No, when they do it it’s skill
I am not sure, if you are still gaslighting people or serious. Here a little math lesson.
With Aq40 set: Increase critical damage bonus by 60%.
Base critical damage bonus is 50%. Increase this by 60% results in 30% additional critical multiplier (0.5 * 0.6 = 0.3).
Elemental is already at 200% multiplier with talents. So we go from 200% to 230%. This is a 15% increase (2.3 / 2 = 1.15)
With Aq20 set: increase Lavaburst damage by it‘s crit chance.
Shamans have no talent or rune to increase lava burst‘s crit chance. So let’s just look at base crit chance. Even with full world buffs you will not get to 40%. So it is at most a 40% damage increase. Without world buffs we talk at most about 25%. Let’s go with this number because we are discussing PvP.
1.15 * 1.25 = 1.4375
So total we get 44% more damage on Lava burst. And this requires 7 PvE items to achieve.
Meanwhile Paladin 2 set increases damage of Crusader strike by 50%.
So I stick to what I said before:
Still way less than what ret does to you in one global.
Not gaslighting, LB already does insane damage, always crit and have overload on top.
Big deal crusader strike hits like a noodle, and paladin is pigeonholed into using t1 6pc and t2 2pc bonus do damage in pvp the new aq set is crap. You need 6pc you say, well we need 8 and from some old set, at least you get to use some pvp pieces for extra stamina.
Tops out at 2K with bis gear. Boomies can crit for 3-4k with starfire.
With FS up, so you need to run into melee range to cast it and get merc’ed.
For 60% and hits for half damage.