Shamans are in need of Dire help, specifically for Elemental

PVP is a separate game. Other damage adjustments are applied. It’s so complicated that even people who have played for a long time don’t know what’s the difference.
Blizzard has already been performing separate tuning adjustments for PVP since before. So I ask, why is it justified that PVP is good and weak in other content?

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This post is in regards to PvE, The wow balance team has been balancing pvp/pve separately for a couple years now…


My bad.

Yeah they have been balancing both separately. I agree that it’s not justified for it to excel in one and be awful in the other. ENH is the same way right now, great in PvE dog tier in PvP.

I mean, I’d like the class to be good in both.


at this point I would take notes over a buff, just a comment or a statement from a dev about ele and the reasoning why they don’t want to make any changes in regards to ele.

Well, if ele gets a buff then the next spec will need one. Someone has to be last and it’s ok to be from time to time.

Buff wont help us, it’s just bandaids, we need some help in the tree to solve our blatant issue and some hope for next tier.

Depends on the buff.

Lightning bolt damage increase to the point where it’s not worth it to spam Lava Burst is needed. However that is a fine line… if you buff it too much then we go back to pre-patch version of spamming Lightning bolt instead.

DRE has to go for sure (or have an ICD applied) to prevent the outliers who get 90% uptime, but Blizzard cares so little about shamans that the probably haven’t even realized it’s the primary issue and we’re basically ignoring half of the talent effects in our spec tree just to get to those nodes.

The problem there is :

If LvB does more DMG than lb why would you ever press it ?
If lb does more DMG than LvB why do would you press it ?

Every rotation has fillers and abilities with cooldowns that hit more than fillers. The problem is not the DMG of lb per se, it’s the fact that our ability with cooldown in our ST build well, it has no cooldown…

If you play in m+ / fights that are not pure ST , you do press lb and quite often. The problem comes from the amount of surge prices you have, primordial surge being the big offender.

Hence why I said this

Seems you jumped the gun and didn’t actually read the reply. It has to be balanced to where using buffs like Master of the Elements is actually worthwhile

Could they design something along the lines of what Balance has that incentivizes using solar vs. arcane abilities?

What if there was something like an ability that increased your Fire and frost DMG by X for each source of nature dmg you deal — and then the other way — increases your nature and frost for each source of fire dmg you deal — and same for frost.

This way you are weaving all of the elements.

For sure, I’m open to something that gets us away from repeated spamming of Lava Burst and rolling the dice for DRE procs.

LvB is much more powerful, but the CD should be longer. And Blizzard also has to adjust the talent that provides some LvB. Only that can solve this rotation problem. Because the build is already full of LvB or talent that strengthens LB, it should be worth pressing LvB even if you strengthen LB enough, and you should not be able to press LvB enough even if you select LvB.

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i got what you mean and totally agree, we need a balance of both and not only one OR only the other (like it always use to be before the talent tree)

I just meant that I don’t think it can be achieved by a simple buff to lb. Something must be changed in the tree

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bless up, one day brothers.

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I think elemental issues go way beyond LB vs LvB. I think probably the biggest overarching issue is the inability to spec to do both ST and AoE. It’s nice to be able to have a ST build and an AoE build, a lot of specs do. However, elemental is designed in such a way that you aren’t really great at either, and you basically have to go all in one or the other. M+, in particular, requires both. Elemental needs a lot of work.


Those tunings are cool news but i’m still hoping for some work on the tree for 10.1


My only hope for these buffs that came out today is that they’re a bandaid and there’s a fix in either 10.1 or sooner.

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Enhc finally got the help we needed; coming today with maintenance we get our SS and LL buffed to compensate for a nerf to a single talent that was only effective against a select few specs/comps. I don’t know what I’m going to do with all these damage buffs, probably the same thing I do now; hit astral shift in the opener and fall over the next time damage comes my way.

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Is anyone else confused by the intent they claimed to have behind the icefury buff? 80% sounds like a strong buff but when you actually look at it the spell is now about 125% of a lava burst ( before crit on either side) on a 30-second CD and it does about 60% of what the following buffed frost shocks do. How does that change make it not feel like it is only cast for the follow-up frost shocks?

Overall I am happy there are at least some buffs coming our way but this shouldn’t be a one-and-done thing, ele needs real work done on it and it needs to be answers on a more fundamental level than things do X% more. The disparity of both ability to deal with different situations and the value of stats across the different builds is too great and that takes more than buffing the damage of an ability or 2 by raw numbers

I can only assume it’s so we don’t feel bad for taking the time to cast Icefury. They just wanted it to actually be used instead of completely ignoring it 30 seconds into an encounter in favor of DRE gambling. I would see parses on fights like Kurog and Terros where over the course of the entire encounter IF was cast twice and not even all of the FS buffs were used.