Shamans are in need of Dire help, specifically for Elemental

Everyone rejoice! 10.1 announce is here!

What class changes can ele see!

looks over notes

Rework for Shadow Priest (again)

Well we’ll get 'em next expansion boys.


lmao I don’t get how it’s even possible for them to think Shadow needs another significant rework in 10.1 before ele gets touched.

Maybe some copium will be hidden in the patch notes somewhere :slightly_smiling_face:

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We both know it won’t :smiley:

i’ve been saying “next expansion” for far to many expansion. lol

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Well, nothing in the patch notes for ele in 10.1… I hope it’s coming


Posting to bump the thread but also, the 2pc 4pc looks pretty fun w/ the 40 second stormkeeper generation. Could make some burst feel pretty good imo

I dont think i like the 2/4 pc, I liked that we had a choice between SK and Icefury builds but this favors one too much over the other even if the 4pc gives double maelstrom on Icefuy and frost shock the other build gets to double dip it and get the stronger synergy off the other lighting talents. As for the maelstrom I will have to test it but my first thoughts is that double won’t feel good and will make overcapping easier as it is just another buff outside of regular timings that can feel wasted as you end up spending half the time you could get more trying to dump away what you already haven’t

Season 2 set bonus for elemental look amazing.
Periodic Stormkeeper.
It’s by far my favorite Torghast ability, and I’m amazed it’s even being considered.

Look, look… get in here
Look an assassination rogue un(maybe)doubtedly bribed a dev, and no one is going to fault a dragon expansion for giving evokers amazing synergy…

But look at the talent tree and just imagine. There’s 3 charges of stormkeeper, that’s 6 lightning bolt casts of lets just say 3 each. It’s worth playing with, is all I’m saying. And even if you’re not into lightning, I get you. But like…
Look! Lava Beam maybe really hot, but like stormkeeper+lava beam is “turn it to kelvin” kind of really hot. So even if one’s rolling Ascendance as full lava spec, one can enjoy it at regular intervals.

I made the post about the 2 second windshear, and … the mad devs are just asking for someone to figure out a nice s2 pvp lightning build to include Flash of Lightning. And if they find it, it’ll be justified. The entire offensive kit made instant cast for huge stretches of time.

This is madness.

Found the sanity.

  • Stormkeeper increases Lightning Bolt damage by 30% for Elemental in PvP combat (was 115%).

The changes are deeper though, 53% increased baseline pvp damage. Then potentially 20% from a new talent, though it’s 15% slower flameshock ticks. But maybe electrified shocks in pvp 15%. It’s a lot of work to get the values back.

PvE, I think it’s still straight up amazing. PvP, a lot of sanity checking across the kit that might make it feel like a short term indulgence that will bite come the end of the season that’ll ask a re-evaluation.

I am about to quit playing WoW. I started off as an elemental shaman and have a couple in my stable BUT if this was an open letter to Blizzard and owners, I would say: 'take a flying F*@#!!! What I used to enjoy playing has become an exercise in frustration. Blizzard! Your game is a sad joke for we shaman players and it just keeps getting worse. Now to the facts: Mastery vs. Critical Strike. There is no balance as previous submitters have shown. Fix this!

Resurrection, or Jesus, or Reincarnation is such a hook that I hate it. In theory it is nice but in use, it is useless. You reincarnate at the place of dying and 9 times out of 10, you just get to die there again. You know why? Because you come back with 20% health. That doesn’t even buy you a cup of black coffee. Why even have it? Second to that is that it only re-sets in every 30 minutes, not every failed fight so the ‘best attribute’ for a shaman is virtually unavailable. A way around this is pretty obvious. Put the reincarnate at the door of the fight and give the poor dead shaman some more health.

Next joke by Blizzard is the lack of spells. Yeah, my cast bar is full of totems, more totems and spells that I can only use if I am not moving. Seen any recent boss fights where that doesn’t happen. Me neither. Only Flame Shock and Frost Shock work quickly, but never quickly enough. Spirit Walker’s Grace is a nice thought for casting on the move but it is only for 15 seconds and has a 1.5 minute cool down. I maybe get to use it twice in a fight if I am lucky. Even then, the DPS generated is poor.

What is the deal with Earthquake? You used to be able to instant cast this at the start of a fight but no more. It says it is instant but in a fight, you have to generate Maelstrom so it isn’t. Another Shaman joke.

Too bad you cannot spam Flame Shock with Lava Burst, Again this is a Maelstrom thing, so its frequency is abysmal.

So Elemental Shamans suck. There is no bones about it. Even having to go to a Dwarf (Alliance) or Orc (Horde) is sucky for a racial boost. I detest both of the looks of each of these character toons. Nice going Blizzard.

Basically, Blizzard is forcing us to play with the ‘new’ toys. I dislike Evokers. I have friends who both love and hate them. The newest toon will be the best for the latest and greatest. Sorry, not for me. It come down to: if I cannot be comfortable and have fun wearing my broken in old shoes then maybe Blizzard, you are losing another subscriber.

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I kind of find it incredible that for the whole button bloat of the class we bring close to nothing in terms of raid utility and damage.

The problem with ST vs AOE is not unique. have you seen ret paladin? I play both, and i honestly think the issue is bigger with ret paladin…
Ele shaman IS hella squishy though. I can’t stand questing in the open world as elemental. If my Earth Elemental isn’t off CD, i’m a goner haha.
Though when he is up, things are quite fun >=)

I think ele shamans could use a little buff, but i quite like their consistency tbh. You see classes like WW monk, Ret paladin, etc. be either at the top (near the beginning), or way at the bottom. And then you see other specs, like those of mage and warlock, just vary from expansion to expansion… it’s wild.

Ele shaman is always middle of the pack. Not bad, not great. But consistent haha. And I appreciate that. Even if ele shaman has to do a lot of extra work just to be “mid”

it’s amazing that people can pop off with these opinions while others praise the movement of elemental shamans lolol.

It’s lava burst procs for freaking days, frost shock, etc. The only non-instant cast ele has (with the 4 piece) at the moment is ice fury.

So i don’t know what you’re smoking :stuck_out_tongue:

“All of these buttons and they do what exactly?”
“A lot of the time? Nothin’, basically”
Laughed so hard, I hurt myself.