Shamans are in need of Dire help, specifically for Elemental

baffling, its really baffling tbh.


I’m trying to stay hopeful, th class in needs got buffs and some changes on 10.0.7 and our changes are so meaningless that i’m hoping it means something bigger is in the work …

But again, blizz is also no stranger to letting some spec rot for several tiers.


I am typically the very last person to ever become a doomer and always discourage the mindset, but for the first time in a while it feels like no one is even paying attention.

How is it that a spec can get an entire rework mid-expansion, and Elemental can’t even get a decent tuning pass let alone a blue “we’re looking into it” post to at least let the community know they are being heard?


we got a bugfix that nerfs our DPS on MWF builds tho! so thats something right?


I really wish ankh was a cheat death instead of what it is, like when you die you go into stasis for 2 seconds and come back


i just wish u didnt come back to life with 3 hp


using ankh is like pressing the hard mode button in Ulduar for the next pull, cus you know its not gunna help in the current one


Just here to bump this thread as a former ele shaman main who switched to enhancement for our raid in order to feel like I was actually useful. If elemental could get some love and a talent tree rework, I’d switch back in a heartbeat.


I’m still on the fence about Flux Melting being eaten by Lava Burst Overloads that aren’t in the air but cocked in the barrel, so to speak, is a bug or not. Seeing the buff get eaten but the damage not being applied appropriately to the complete barrage of a cast.

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I’m here to bump this thread. As a long-time shaman player, the state of shamans feels awful. I fell in love with shamans when WoW first launched, their class fantasy, the idea of using totems to bring utility and short-term buff that you could juggle. Now we just feel like a bad mage. Our talent tree feels bloated, and most of the utility we bring can be brought by a class that is outperforming us .


I just want them to take DRE out behind the shed and shoot it. It’s a fun idea! getting random procs of our bursts but they balance us around getting those procs. If you don’t get a proc you suck, if you do you’re in line with everyone else. I’ve gone entire packs fishing for procs, just to get it on the last lava burst of the pack. Its intensely frustrating and unfun


Just a personal gripe: I’m really tired of Elemental Shaman being ‘Fire Mage Lite’ and by that I mean we are all about Flame Shock, Lava Burst, and LMT if you are spec’d for it. I want to be Elemental. Give us the ability to have a rotation that utilizes all of our elements. Lightning, Fire, Ice, and Earth.

I started playing a Paladin in 05’ and started this shaman in 06’ and I made the shaman because of lightning magic, not to be a low budget fire mage. Please let us use the elements, not just fire.



I also would like to bump the thread. Elemental has lost their niche; Elemental has always been known for their good sustained ST and very strong AoE. Currently Elemental has nothing. It pains me to say that I’ll be rerolling after this tier unless Elemental gets a rework.


I gave up on my elemental shaman. Not really good at anything, and you have to choose between mediocre ST and bad AoE or mediocre AoE and bad ST. That is not a choice that feels good, ever.

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Yeah elemental just feels bad right now. I do like how we can move a lot while casting but I’d like some build diversity and a better rotation. Lava burst is just one spell, it shouldn’t be 85% of what you press. Enhancement feels pretty good but every other melee has better defensive options. I’m probably gonna main my Warlock once I finish getting max reknown.

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Probably not a popular view, but I loved MOP elemental, before earthquake became a thing. It wasn’t a particularly complicated spec, but dang it felt good to blow chain lightning and have it proc more on top. My meatballs felt good in ST and with enough procs I could get some mobility, and then AoE was just blasting. Maybe not topping charts all the time, and I didn’t have 547 keybinds, which seems to be the thing for all specs in DF, but every button felt good to press.

I guess that’s what I don’t like so much about class design in WoW now. Everything is about stacking CDs and without them, you are just plinking away. It’s all about combining multiple CDs at the right moment. I don’t know, I prefer to have all my button presses feel good. I’ve lost that feeling in WoW.

Well, its looking like 10.07 class changes are drawing to a close in this weeks round of elusive buffs we got jack and the cherry on top is many other classes that are doing great right now are also getting buffs.

This will make ele sham objectively a bad choice to bring to raid.


I’ve mained Elemental Shaman for a loooooong time and initially when the talent tree came out, it looked great! Looked like we would have some solid options and would have good gameplay. Then they smacked us w/ a 25% nerf across the board and now everything just feels lack luster. You want to do good single target damage? Prepare to do the worst amount of cleave. You want to do good cleave? Well now you do no single target damage, and to boot, the tank just ran 10 mobs out of your Earthquake so now you also do no cleave damage. How is this the state of the spec and there’s not at least even one post from blizzard of “we see the issues and we’re working on them.” Just let us know that you remember the class exists!

The thread has a lot of good posts but a lot of the core issues I feel could be resolved with the following:

Rework Ascendence - This talent has felt lack luster for a long time. You press the button and you don’t SOAR you don’t do enough damage to rationalize a 3 minute cooldown (2 if you waste two more talents into it). Make it just GIGA charge your LB’s, make it guarantee overloads, make it do SOMETHING that makes it feel like a good cooldown to press because right now. It’s not. Also, get rid of DRE! It felt fun back in Legion with the gamble build, there was then a legendary version of it in Shadowlands but it hasn’t felt GOOD to play.

Earthquake - Please just make it do at least decent damage. If EQ lasts for X amount and a tank pulls them out, please don’t make our damage be zero! Let it have an effect that they take the remainder of the damage, or make it so EQ’s follow their target through a talent and call it “Epicenter” or something so when we PRESS EQ, we’re going to get the damage from our spender.

Rework the tree to be less polarizing - In order to go AOE we have to sacrifice a LOT of our single target potential and vice versa if we go single target we lose a LOT of our AOE damage. There has to be a reconfig of the tree to fix these issues otherwise we just do nothing.

Give us utility - Right now, groups have literally NO reason to bring an elemental shaman. Need lust? Bring one of the other five classes that can. Need Movement? Bring druid, it’s just BETTER. Group Buff? Nope. Group CD? nope. We don’t even get to drop windfury, that’s for enh to have! The worst part is that ele USED to have a buff to bring to the raid in the form of Totem of Wrath! Bring a version of that back and at least we have SOMETHING to be useful with.

Need cleave? Bring DH/Warlock/Rogue/mage/warrior (literally anything). Need Single target? Again, bring literally anything else and they’ll out perform an elemental shaman.

I honestly cannot remember the last time that shaman felt so bad to play with so few devs seeming to care about it. Just throw us a bone out here because right now, we have nothing that we’re the “best” at and boy does that feel awful.


I’m here to bump this post. I agree with most of what has been said. Shamans really need help, and Elemental shamans the most. Our talent tree is uninspired and a hot mess of just shadowlands legendary effects with unbalanced talent trees that give you little to no real choices.

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Not if you look at the PvP forums. There is a post going around about how Ele is the tankiest, never casting ranged spec with “unreal” defensives in multiple schools.

It’s crazy how some people are completely out of touch with the game. I assume these are blizz devs posting for this reason.