Shamans are in need of Dire help, specifically for Elemental

DRE & Further Beyond are really what’s holding Ele back from being balanced. With this build it’s either you have godlike luck and do 100K+ DPS or average/terrible luck and do 33K. Also the “zug-zug” press lava burst on repeat rotation does not feel good.

I personally would like to see a solid buff to Mountains Will Fall and/or Echo Chamber plus a reworking/removal of Further Beyond. Top end players may not like this change too much but hey, not all of us get 2 PIs a pull & down the bosses in less than 2 minutes.


Too many dependant on the build

Just to add my two cents. Being a dps who as a foundation doesn’t perform well on the last boss of the raid - the hardest and most critical - just feels so very bad.


Please this. Would be a huge QOL change.


I would like to see lava burst spread flame shock to 4 addtional targets baked into call of fire or flames of the cauldron.


Is this a sick joke? Giving Ele a 3s duration buff to Electrified shocks and absolutely nothing else? What is the vision for Elemental Shaman exactly? What niche are we supposed to provide, what use is there in having the spec exist at all?


Ascendance Refreshes, Refresh Flameshocks
Please can Ascendance extended due to DRE or recasting Ascendance while under the effects of Ascendance, it feels like it should at the least refresh Flameshocks.

This would be primarily geared towards resolving a big issue smoothing out the AoE value of Further Beyond.
Losing one Flameshock in ST is okay; it’s resolvable. but losing 4-6 on the AoE is rough as heck when the productive reaction window is 2.5, less than 2 globals.

I would love it more if refreshing the cooldown of Ascendance would throw out additional Lava Bursts. But I can understand the insanity of the Gamba Meatball Machine Gun potential is too great. But then I look at the ridiculousness of Rogue’s Black Powder. Idk

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Ele issues, mythic raid perspective:

1) No raid utility / raid or party buff / immunity
Sorry, no matter how much stoneskin / poison totem / mana spring are ever buffed, they will never be mandatory for any fight, plus they are accessible to Enhance which also brings windfury

2) No damage niche
Single Target / Funnel / Mass AOE / 2-5 target cleave - not close to a top spec in any of these categories

3) Anti-synergy in stat priorities
Single target? Stack mastery since all we want to do is spam lava burst, which doesn’t benefit from crit
Cleave/AOE? Stack crit for earthquake + liquid magma totem, where mastery is the worst stat even with Mountains Will Fall


Really hoping we get some real dev attention soon, slowly losing hope as each patch comes out, and I’ve been maining ele since WoD so I’ve been through tons of disappointment in our spec lol

It honestly feels like either the devs have no idea what to do with us (even though there’s SO many good suggestions right here on these forum posts) or someone is just holding a grudge against making our spec just as viable as the others. We’ve been the ignored ranged DPS for way too long for almost seemingly no reason.

There’s a ton of easy QOL fixes we could get that other classes would’ve gotten months ago. Maybe we just need a big streamer to yell on twitter to shame them into making us worth picking. :man_shrugging:


man, i’m leveling a SP and please, just replace DRE with this :

just please


I get it, lightning build is kind of just “Okay”. Feels good, looks flashy. Still helping to save the group if the heals dies since I have AG and Earth Elemental.
There’s a lot to track, sometimes the mobs get pulled out of EQ’s, sometimes the Lightning Rods get refreshed rather than spread since they aren’t deterministically distributed in a pack. I have to adjust what I need to be doing subtly based on whether there’s 1,2,3,5, or 6+ targets. I hate looking at my damage logs and going, “I’m doing something wrong”.

Of course, I start looking at the damage break-downs and then I look over at what I’m trying to fight against.
A demon hunter with Immolation Aura as just the raw bulk of his damage. Just an elf rocking out to 90’s jams doing massive damage because he’s standing next to the mobs… you know… existing


kinda skipped to the bottom but why not give ASC a crit steroid (think DSI from destro lock) and then have the crit scaling on LvB be baseline? the free cast LvB stays, and that way in your ascendance window you also gain a noticeable amount of crit towards something like EB which scales with the 250% modifier as well. in your asc window youre LvBs are hitting hard and your spender is gonna have a much higher crit chance?


Stay strong brothers


This is one of the biggest issues I have also, so many classes seem to pull off better numbers in all content with way less effort, it feels lopsided and unfun comparatively.

On top of this, other classes get better utility and defensives AND raid buffs as well, all while having a much easier time putting up better numbers.

I can see why there’s almost 0 ele shamans in mythic progress, there’s almost literally 0 reason to bring us over other specs at all if they are in any way competent.

This has been a recurring problem with ele shaman specifically since forever too. Idk how it hasn’t been fixed or even addressed as a problem by the devs in this long.


Amen, its crazy how widely understood the problems with Ele are (and have been) yet blizzard doesn’t address the issues highlighted by many many people including limit max. Early on after the RWF ended he made a comment on how Eles glaring weakness was its damage profile wasn’t able to match any of the raid bosses damage profiles. Ele shamans have a very poor ability to deal consistent and good damage to multiple targets within the 2-3 range. Eles aoe damage is fine when you are dealing with crossing the target soft caps of 5. Because EQ doesn’t have a cap, but unfortunately that 2-3 target range is where we sink to abysmal dps values.


Very well put. There’s not a single situation where elemental excels in comparison to other classes, and that just feels bad.

Even on Terros and Sennarth, which I think plays to Elemental’s strength of dealing damage on the move, Elemental is 6th from the bottom on Terros and 5th from the bottom on Sennarth. Again, these are fights that showcases the strength of elemental and it’s still not even the middle of the pack.

Our best fight is Primal Council, where we are 8th due to the recent AoE buffs. Elemental does well on extended 4-6 target damage situations, and that shows.

I’m really hoping the silence on Elemental is because they are working on a rework and it’s just not ready enough for them to share, but I’m not holding my breath for it either.

I hope they address some of these issues, because the flavor, sound, and visual design of elemental shaman is by far my favorite in the game and I want to enjoy playing it in challenging content.

  • Elemental
    • Ghost Wolf no longer removes the Shaman’s Maelstrom bar while active.

    • Fixed an issue causing Fire and Ice to not increase the overload damage of multiple spells.

    • Fixed an issue causing Primordial Surge to incorrectly increase the damage of multiple overload spells.

…Couldn’t make this up if I tried, don’t worry though demo locks and affliction locks getting buffs even though they’re all over top M Razageth logs :slight_smile: lol


okay, now what?


Now you prep an alt just in case

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Obviously, ele doesn’t have any merit in raid.
Lack of viability, meaningless utility, overrated by dev.

In any case, ele users are satisfied with being benched in the world first race and then being put in at 1-2 bosses. ele is not producing any value that is fixedly useful.

It’s only worth it if you have a strong dps.
But as those of you who have played SL season 3 will know, dev blocks that possibility and loses interest.

In fact, most of the ele’s problems are solved by number adjustment.
A lot of the improvements that people talk about are actually just characteristics of the specification if the dps performance problem is solved.

However, dev has no plans to invest time and money in ele. Why is the WRT performance worse than the druid one? Without any malice, there would have been no reason to leave the issue of shaman’s utility.

I always say that when I give an opinion by an ele, I need attention from ele.
But everything is meaningless because devs don’t want to manage ele.

Did you see anyone talking politely to the wall?
He who tries to kick the wall and smash it with a hammer is wiser than he who tries to speak.
Ele doesn’t change without something powerful like that.