Shamans are Broken - Lets look at the numbers

I think at the most basic level the issue is that after years of playing on Vanilla private servers, Classic, and Classic Era, that some people have a certain image of Vanilla in their minds. SoD is shattering that image and they don’t know how to handle it.

‘Alliance is supposed to be the dominant faction! Class x is supposed to dominate! Class y is supposed to suck!’

Let it go. This isn’t Vanilla.

go look at this clown

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BLIZZARD DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU/US. We shouldnt even make these posts anymore no point.

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I’m not going to say that your premise is wrong, enhancement is certainly strong and it’s possible shaman on the whole may need to be retuned, but if the best legwork you did for this was to link to the VERY misleading wowhead news posts where they take a single snippet of data from the last week on WCL for statistics then you’ve not done enough of the homework.

That is HIGHLY inaccurate and I don’t think ANYONE would claim that rogue is worse then feral or ret for dps numbers.

Super important to remember that is one week data, 95th percentile only, and aggregated numbers not raw dps (though that’s not a huge change, there are even more nuance to evaluate there.

Debatable. Scaling is a concern, but at this point in time I think it’s ok.

Paladin has some of the best spread and options for tank runes. in fact, I am super annoyed at how often I am switching them around.

Martyrdom for single target, divine storm for aoe damage, aegis for mega dungeon pulls.

Sheath of light is just way too good, I wish there was more reasons to take enlightened judgement but there never will be at this time, Infusion is interesting, but with art of war you’re better gearing for melee crit and taking the free spelldamage.

Sacred Shield is AMAZING for survivability especially in shock spec. I was the third healer for menagerie and thermaplugg as the tank. You take art of war for the single target threat, and guarded by the light for big aoe chain pulls.

And even on pants you have exorcist vs avenger’s shield, where shield is great for cleave and exorcist is the go to for single target.

There’s a TON of variety, just not on every slot but what class DOES? I feel like out of all my classes Paladin has the largest spread of variety and choice in their runes.

I do more TPS in full ret than I did as holy shock. The main reason is you lose 5 melee crit so your autos suffer and by extension so does art of war. Having shock get reset too is nice, but it happens far less often. Single target I pull off our main tank WITHOUT using righteous fury just because sometimes I get chain cris and cast 3-5 exorcism in a row.

edited to clarify when you go ret for the crit and are still tanking is this 2h or 1h? also can i have your char name i just want to look at fights. I am always willing to try a new build and or get better numbers etc. I have just found that with sword and board i am doing more threat as shockadin.

FIX SHAMANs! I am tired of having a shaman 3 levels lower than me 2 shot me… getting one shot by chain lightening. having these people running around PVP realms like they re gods. Its getting a bit much!!!

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Here it is, again.
casting time
hunter can fear
druid can sleep
flash bomb if engi
People calling ghost wolf strong boggle me. I don’t understand. It has huge tradeoffs. Absolutely stupid.

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That will happen if you’re level 10.

but ghost wolf killed their father who went out to the store for smokes and never came back!

I am not saying its strong I was just listing a spell that is… lets see how did i put it utility. but thanks because I forgot purge lmao.

back at ya lmao “my ghost wolf is actually a curse and provideds no utility”


It provides utility with major drawbacks, just like totems. Kill the totems. They have 5 hp. but they cost a global to kill! cost a global to place too.

this is about raid dps lets move the goalposts even further away and get even less constructive

Enhance is a melee that does heavy spell damage. They’re performing well because of high boss armor.


Yeah enhance scaling is not good. We’re doing well in gnomer with a mix of hybrid damage. It will not scale well into 50-60.

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the first 2 bosses don’t have high armor. go to wcl go to statistics sort by grubbis then tell me that armor is the reason they are overperforming all other melee.


Theres like 30 warriors before the first shaman on Grubbis. Lmao.

i know, and it helps but stating that is the only thing wrong is laughable.

Lmao ok bro. :+1:

if your logic was super sound then pally should be the best dps in the game because more of there damage is from nonphysical than a shaman by a mile is all im saying.

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