Shamans are Broken - Lets look at the numbers

Obviously Blizzard doesn’t agree with you.

Sorry that for once in nearly 18 years Shamans are actually good at something for a brief window of time.

Amazing btw that the only thing that’s ever cared about is DPS.

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Vanilla isn’t dominated by warriors and alliance for once.

The horror!


It’s actually the Alliance education system that has indoctrinated Alliance players in a failed ideology from an early age. This is why every Alliance player is bad and every Horde player is gud. Please don’t touch my shaman.

God forbid anyone else gets a moment in the limelight.

Can we trust your math?

Hmm… what math?


Wait, what?



I couldn’t have said it better myself lol.


Quit crying , reroll shaman if you wanna be number one dps currently , ez fix


As a shaman (tank) main since p1, I am rather expecting some nerfs. I am still in favor of the xp buff but is no question it enables FotM-ers, or as I call them, children. With the xp buff and the prevalence of children its going to be natural to see a rising tide of any class/spec perceived as or in fact OP. Children, like water, find the path of least resistance and will mindlessly follow any route that may do something as important as boost their parse color.

That doesn’t dilute the position that shaman are currently OP but does explain the widespread complaints about the class’ performance. One tornado is bad but can be somewhat mitigated, not so with 100 tornadoes at once. No, Id actually prefer some nerfs to redirect some of these children to w/e they perceive as the next sure win.


I think you hit the nail on the head in terms of the FOTM tendancy of modern players, I think this also extends to their reactionary responses on the forums and other avenues because they rolled that class to specifically be the most powerful in the game and now you are effectively taking it away from them.

This leads to many disingenuous conversations which intentionally downplay imperical metrics and argue based of feelings and grey areas in spite of the overwhelming overperformance that given class may be exhibiting in game.

I would like to think that the devs are keeping a close eye on output metrics to know which levers to pull and how to fine tune, however I am kind of sceptical of this and tend to think they are more reacting to the loudest voices whining.

Hopefully the class is brought in to line, it doesnt need to be gutted as the original post said but rather should look to have one of their dps specs performing in the top 9 and the others not, that seems to be a good and genuine place to start from and work back from in terms of balancing, so long as every class is at least able to put some relevant numbers on the board then all will be considered. It is problematic when you see situations like this when one class dominates 3/9 of the top performance spots and then a crowd of FOTM players trying to obfuscate the obvious and glaring issues with the game.


lmao ele is finally anywhere but dead last, and it’s at best 5th place and you want to wipe it from existence. you people are legit clowns. terminal alliance player.


The issue isnt Elemental Shamans, the issue is SHAMANS. No class should ever dominate 3 of the top 9 rankings at any point of time, ever; especially with one of those rankings being their tank spec.

Okay then like elaborate on this stuff because ele shaman being 5th place on raid logs is no big deal. And they are hugely susceptible to pressure in PVP. Try throw curse of tongues or silence on a ele. Impact wiped. Dispel flame shock. Now their burst is gone. Counterplay exists but people keep pretending like every spec on the class needs to just die because a ele getting ignored is doing damage. Like, do people realise chaos bolt does even more damage and ignores bubbles? There’s no complaints there though.

People are so used to shaman being bottom tier that it finally being competitive makes people seethe because they have no idea how to deal with it and mostly just refuse to learn how to deal with it. I’m telling you the sort of people that know how to play against shamans are doing so in AB right now instead of sitting on the forums demonstrating their ignorance.

The experiences shared on the forums are alien to me. Anecdotes of chain lightning ‘one shotting three level 40s’ and getting ‘one shot by lava burst’ and I’m sitting here doing 1200 with a crit in full bis. Like where is all this extra damage coming from that is finishing them off? Is it possible they’re being… focused by multiple players? I seen Savix even complaining about this sh and you look at the clip and he takes 500 off shaman and is being focused by 4 players and he’s like ‘GOD SHAMANS MAAAAN’. It’s wild.


Alliance tears are always amazing. Enjoy getting dominated by shamans for the rest of the season.

balance off pvp


oh no two performing specs?? How dare they!!!

Kekamis Maximus.


the only thing that is broken about shaman is way of earth and dual rb.

make way of earth require a shield and the problem is gone in both pvp and pve.

thats it . shaman are perfectly fine otherwise.

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they bring wf a kick (6 second CD) a freedom a grounding totem a slow and another slow a travel form an instant cast healwave with runes. they can be high dps but making them top and have the best utility in the game makes no sense

Based and truth pilled.

But this is a malding alliance player. This thread isn’t about balance. He wants his majority faction to have the op toons and he wants the other sides pop to stop growing. These posts are always two faced and without experience takes hundreds of posts to wiggle the truth out of OP.


Its not only shamans that have high tank DPS but also Warlocks need to be included as well when compared to Paladin/Druid/Warrior/rogue tank variants. Sure compared to DPS classes the shamans are ahead but comparing to tanks to tanks the difference is large.

You keep saying ‘tank spec’ but do you know what actually separates full Enh from tank? 1 rune that makes them a tank instead of giving mana regen, You don’t even lose DPS.

I agree Enh is too strong and needs to be toned down but your weird little offspecs rating of “dps not be high” is a bad faith argument.

and to top all of that off the raid is easy as heck with literally 0 DPS checks so as long as you can do the mechanics any DPS is fine.

PVP should be the primary reason for balance not PVE.


as a tank paladin i dont even think we need a buff. threat is fine and i don’t die/ i do decent damage, I do think that paly tank needs some runes other than aegis that isnt even good unless you are single pulling a dungeon. edited this to say if you aren’t full holy and a paly tank yeah okay you may need some damage. forgot im shocktank