Shamans are broken in PVP

fix them!!! I’m tired of having them run around PVP realms destroying everything in sight. 1 shotting with chain lightening. shamans 3 levels lower killing me in 2 globals. getting 1v2 (me 35 druid, and a 36 Pally) by 1 shaman at level 33… Its getting to be a bit much. I’m not sure why the devs would want one class to be so dominant, with no counter class. literally ruining the gaming experience for a lot of others. making it really hard for ally to win BGs if there are a few shamans on horde. Its really poor and lazy game design, or blatant favourtism.


Someone needs a healthy dose of git good, pronto.


The trolling at this point is reaching its apex. It cannot be contained


Shamans are free kills for me. Trying learning your spells.

You’d be surprised what people can accomplish when they put their mind to it.

They might even be able to kill a Shaman.

Yes, the blatant trolling from OP shamans gaslighting the community into thinking they deserve this.


Who exactly is the gaslight here?


If your getting one shot by chain lighting, can I suggest not wearing the armor set that gives you -35 stamina for wearing it? That might help your survivability.


If you’re getting one shot by chain lightning, I would suggest leveling past 13

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Be glad you don’t have to fight pallies. They are like shammies except have 2 bubbles and a LoH. Oh and plate armor. And their buffs aren’t constrained by totems.

that is not how spelling works

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One of the bubbles is purged, freedom is purged, plate armor is good but the shaman WoE rune is so much stronger -6% crit -6% chance to be hit, +30% health and -10% damage from all sources including spell damage. Its like last stand, resilience, avoidance and defensive stance rolled into one ability.

Paladins are really only annoying in pvp if they get the jump on you with bubble up and 5 stacks of reckoning.

If that doesnt happen use any CC on them that isnt a slow and proceed to win with ease, unless your a warrior


LoH in the oneshot meta is strong but you still die in one more global

he said he is below level 40 and you tell him to not wear a level 40 set? Have you even read his post?

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Well, I could totally 1 shot your level 10. Doesn’t work on a level 40 though.

They are broken in all content and anyone denying it is delusional

Way of Earth and double rockbiter is broken in PvP. That’s it.

shaman is insanely superior to paladin

Nerf bat needs to be immediate

Them not being the bottom of PvE is broken?
(They’re not even top, just near the top… lol)

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I am interested to know what class me is? maybe your imaginary demon-hunter?

Or maybe some your fighting badshamman 2h enhance. Also since you are an orc. I hardly think you have fought many shamans.