Shamans are broken in PVP

Which mean’s it’s even less likely he’s being “One shot” by chain lightning.

First rank of Chain Lightning is gained at level 32. It does 191-218 base nature damage.

If you at level 36 are getting one shot by this (From a level 33 a shaman that just got this), then you are either:

A) Running around with pure damage gear with rez sickness trying to fight people
B) Lying

Let me fix your post for you -

Pvp is broken.

There, done.

Sure, priests and shamans are the MOST broken but pvp overall is miserable in SoD. It is the worst iteration of pvp this game has ever produced. It is a zero-skill, strike-first-to-win, one-shot, no-counterplay meta.


I’m currently envious of Horde druids because they play against paladins, not shamans.

Believe me, it’s much easier.

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It isn’t a game worth playing.

I stopped playing PvP in P1 because of how gross it was. I played 2 games in P2 just to find out that it’s worse. I probably won’t PvP again for the remainder of SoD.

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Bubble isn’t purged by most classes. That’s something to consider.

It is remarkably bad. I cannot understand how the devs let this happen

We do LFG on my server to fight a shaman. Must be bear tank because warriors get one-shotted. If 2 shamans show up its a wipe. honestly, it’s the blessing of freed and all of their snares working and none of yours do and probably having 3 times your hp. It’s hard to keep them off u. I know max range but if you are casting a single scorch and they are running at you, Ur usually in frost shock range by the time it hits and none of your snares is going to work on them. Blink buys u a couple more seconds you can escape artist and keep running sometimes I do.

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You’re right. Nerf shadow priests!

Beyond broken, shaman tanks out dps 60% of specs

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figured i would repost this here.

Skill issue.

Yeah looking at you crying about hunters in p1 and p2 I could say the same. Hunters were nerfed time for shamans.

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You are playing one of the classes that can dump on shaman right now. Skill issue. Bad. Learn to play.

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They are OP - in every part of the game. Nerf time, just like you cried about hunters.

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Only in PvP.

Shaman Tank out dps 60% of specs, stop being a clown

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Shaman Tank is the exact same spec as our melee dps spec.

Nerf - require shield

And they can actually … STUN you so you can’t play the game.