Shamanistic Rage Rune

Please consider changing the rune so that mana regenerates at a flat rate or increase the base mana regen. Having it be based off AP, SP or HP really pigeon holes enhancement into rolling double rockbiter to make it actually restore a realistically helpful amount of mana. Not only is double rockbiter doing significantly more damage then Flametongue, but it’s also give us substantially more mana in return to continue dpsing (Rockbiter still passively pulling threat along with ES being a massive amount of threat as well should be looked into) Way of the Earth should be augment those abilities to increase threat when the rune is active.

I think a flat 75-80% of mana returned would be a fair amount. With Double Rockbiter I currently have 478AP, that gives me about 70 mana per tick over 15 seconds. It’s about 1.35 X my mana pool.

If you are Elemental or Restoration currently Shamanistic Rage mana return is abysmal… even later on with greater spell power and healing I don’t see it being near as strong as a Shaman with high AP.

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Dual wield enhancement with double rockbiter and shamanistic rage feels pretty good right now. Popping shamanistic rage is a full mana restore every 60 seconds. You can still run out of mana in less than 60 seconds if you go super hard, but it’s not bad at all.

Without double rockbiter, shamanistic rage gives so little mana, it feels like doing anything more than lava lashing and occasional heals or interrupts will cause you to run out of mana too quickly, and popping shamanistic rage only gives back like 30% of your mana.

The problem with double rockbiter is that rockbiter generates so much threat that it regularly pulls aggro away from tanks even in single target encounters. It’s crazy how much threat it adds. This means in any group setting, you have to use double flametongue instead. Flametongue already does less damage than rockbiter, but the disparity is exacerbated further because of having to push fewer buttons due to shamanistic rage giving less mana.

Some combination of these things should happen:

  1. Increase damage of flametongue to make it more competitive
  2. Remove the increased threat from rockbiter, because the tanking rune already adds increased threat
  3. Increase the base mana regen of shamanistic rage so it doesn’t depend on rockbiter to restore reasonable quantity of mana

The thread from Rockbitter Weapon is really weird, one auto does more thread than one Lava Burst…

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Yeah threath is an issue , blizz need to change dual weild rune to transform + threath into - threath

That or put RB threath on way of earth

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That’s another possibility. Have the dual wield rune specifically remove the additional threat from shaman abilities, namely Rockbiter, Earth Shock, and Molten Blast.

I know you meant threat, but theres also more threads about rb than lava burst too lul

Even non enhance shamans are using rockbiter for SR.

SR actually works best for enhance rn

Yeah, the design of shamanistic rage is really funky right now. It makes everyone, including elemental and resto, want to use double rockbiter to get as much mana regen out of shamanistic rage as possible, because mana in vanilla has always been a big issue for shaman. The dependency on rockbiter should definitely be removed from shamanistic rage so people can use gear and imbues that make sense for their role instead of being forced to dual wield with double rockbiter in order to not be constantly mana-starved.

Could make it so Rockbiter Weapon only has the threat when Way of Earth is equipped. Make Way of Earth a Stance instead of tying it directly to Rockbiter Weapon in terms of tanking.


Idk about this because one bonus is if your healers are strong enough like in our bfds our tank just dual wield furyhance tanks every boss with an insane lead on the next person using 2x RB and is just able to pump mindlessly without worrying about threat.

But like, what imbues even make sense for ele and resto. None give spell related bonuses. I guess Flametonge gets bonuses from spell power at a 10 to 1 coefficient which is horrible, and you would just never melee anyways. I think it’s irrelevant that you use rock biter imo.

Not imbues, but being able to use a 2-hander without giving up a big chunk of mana regen from only having a single rockbiter active. Right now it’s basically always the correct choice to dual wield with double rockbiter, since that’s what gives by far the most mana regen.

For example, as resto or elemental, if you had the staff with +7 int, +7 stam, +7 spirit, it’d probably still be better to just dual wield with 2 grey weapons in order to be able to have double rockbiter.

I think they definitely could re tune shamanistic rage. Tbh if they don’t change dual wield caster weapons you will never want a 2h caster weapon as ele. You get 2x 30 spellpower enchants, all caster weapons are ONE HANDED. So you get 2x caster daggers/maces/,2x enchants, 2x mana or wizard oils. You will mathematically never benefit more than dual wielding unless blizzard makes changes in the future.

Man imagine two high warlord daggers with 2 30 spellpower enchants, two wizard oils …. Man the lava bursts are gonna be FAT!

In that case wouldn’t a weapon swap macro be good just for rage? Swap to the DW set, pop rage, swap back?

Sure, but it feels bad/weird to have to do things like that. Also I’m not sure if shamanistic rage snapshots the attack power when it is cast, or if swapping back to the 2h would then lower the regen.

Regardless, it doesn’t fix the issue of enhancement dps not being able to use double rockbiter because of the huge threat it causes, and instead having the use the far inferior flametongue, which means both lower dps and much lower mana regen (which means even lower dps). So some combo still of decoupling shamanistic rage from rockbiter, improving flametongue damage, and removing the increased threat from rockbiter would help.

Literally all they need to do is make one of the runes say “rockbiter doesn’t generate extra threat” like on the dual wield rune, and all of the classes issues are resolved.

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Sure, I’d take that! That’d fix it for enhancement dps, which is what I main.

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wondering about shamanistic rage once shaman has acess to WF …guess we will using WF+ FT (for lava lash) , but lava lash needs “something” , spreading flameshock like retail or boosting FT dmg , anything but a boring offhand attack

Or potentially WF + RB if sham rage still depends on attack power to provide meaningful mana regen.

It all depends on how windfury interacts with dualwield. You will most likely use a weaponswap macro for shaman rage no matter what.