Shamanistic Rage Rune

Likely just WF WF, like we did in tbc .

That will probably be the highest damage imbue combo in isolation, but without any rockbiter, youā€™ll be mana-starved. That would still allow for lava lash and interrupts with rank 1 earth shock, but probably not much else. So itā€™d come down to whether being able to cast more spells or having wf/wf is better.

Yeah, as long as sham rage depends on attack power, this seems like the only way to still have mana while not being locked into full time rb/rb

maybe it returns more mana since we get more hits thanks to WF

The number of hits you land doesnā€™t affect the mana regen. This iteration of Shamanistic Rage just gives a specific amount of mana back over 15 seconds depending on your attack power, spell power, or healing power at the time Shamanistic Rage is used.

The devs cannot do this. All abilities are the same as they are on Classic Era since they use the same Database.

Any change to one would affect the other. Thats why any changes would need to be done to runes.

Sure, the changes could be put on runes. Make the lava lash rune also increase flametongue damage by 50% or something. And the dual wield rune could also remove increased threat from rockbiter and earth shock.

At least you can be an Orc an pop Blood Fury to increase your mana regen with Sham Rage every other cast.

At level 25 Bloody Fury adds something like 40 attack power. I guess thatā€™s better than nothing!

53 attack power.

People asking for DW rune to remove threat gains from rockbiter are missing the forest for the trees.
For many fights, a dual-wielding tank is optimal over one just sitting with sword and board. Ideally the solution would be removing threat gain off the base rockbiter, and tying it only to Way of Earth, but in their infinite wisdom the devs made a version of the game that canā€™t be edited in certain ways without affecting other versions of the game.

I legitimately had no idea they did that. Sure makes things more challenging doesnā€™t it?

Imbues will need to be like 1.75x stronger on 2 handers (for windfury you would increase the proc rate 1.75 times stronger similar to frost dk 2hand killing machine proc change) to ever ā€¦ EVER even come close to dualwielding.

Good. They could also do us a favor and let us have some kind of attack speed buff besides flurry procs. Warriors got that 20% attack speed buff for 2h, and shamans getā€¦

We getā€¦

Ehhh nothing.

Yeah this is really a bummer. Someone did a very thorough statistical test in vanilla of weapon imbues and at 60 rockbiter performs as well as windfury it just had a threat mechanic. Shaman is 2 standard deviation below the mean in melee dps right now. Sure we get flurry and 20 second melee attack. Butā€¦ā€¦

Warriors get 2 instant attacks and flurry or sword spec.
Rogues get access to sword spec and adrenal rush or some big talent for dps
Paladins get vengeance and flat weapon damage bonus
Ferals get leader of the pack, bonus combos on crit etc
Melee hunters get something idk they perform surprisingly well on logs.

Shaman will still be bad maybe even worse.

There is speculation that windfury down ranks wonā€™t share ICDs but Iā€™m not sure that even will be a big deal since we know rockbiter has no ICD and performs equally. Maybe it will be insane for pvp but Iā€™m talking strictly pve.

For pvp Iā€™ll be honest I donā€™t see shaman leaving dual rockbiter way of earth mainhand for a while if they ever want to survive first contact with some of the damage coming at them. Mail possibly could fix this with the shear amount of armor it provides but Iā€™d be doubtful of that.

But hey atleast we are insane tanks, I have a 98 perf average on my tank and I just dual wield every boss spamming lava lash like a dps.

Likely we will need a stormstrike rune that gives mana return like crusader strike and lowers the cooldown. The spell is actually so bad compared to things like ā€œraging blowā€, ā€œcrusader strikeā€, etc. 20 second CD SINGLE TARGET, one free hit for weapon damageā€¦. Yikes.

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