Shaman tanks

don’t let the rogues know :slight_smile:

Shamans were originally envisioned to tank at least 5 mans…as were Druids and Paladins.

The only original raid tank was a Warrior. Which makes sense, the Dev’s were EQ raiders, and only Warriors tanked raids while SK’s and Paladins were excellent group tanks.

Paladins and Druids tanking raids occurred because the player base found ways to make it possible either in terms of gear lists + patch to Dire Bear (ie Druids) or bug workarounds (ie GBOK).

There was even a thread back in Vanilla about fixes to allow Shaman to tank groups far more readily. Some of the suggestions were incorporated into TBC in terms of mana management…however the tanking changes were never included.

Shaman can currently tank 5 mans and raid trash just fine. It may not be ideal, however you can use a full Enh build to do it…so when your not tanking you can do full DPS.

However tanking most bosses outside to MC/Ony is really a bridge too far. Blizzard never followed up with necessary changes to boost EH and mana management to allow it to be feasible.

There’s a reason why we were impressed with gaeowyn tanking Illidan - and not Ony.

I’ve had mages successfully tank Ony, priests have tanked Ony.

Have your dude tank Twin emps and I’ll be impressed

I’ve seen that also