Ehhh, I was up at 11k armor with full buffs (including from healers) for a total of 67% dmg reduction. It’s quite comparable, and with the ability to block and parry the window for preventing crushing blows is potentially larger than a druid tank. Plus, with more content being released, so comes better gear. It’s doable, but as you pointed out, a warrior can do it in leather, there is far less wiggle room for shaman due to itemization and active mitigation (oh no buttons)
Im not dodging anything. You asked for a video of a cat specced druid off-tanking in raids. There are plenty of them, there are full resto specced druids off tanking in raids. Im not going to waste my time hunting down videos of that when no one except you debates that they arent doing it.
The difference between what a full cat druid specs and a full bear druid specs is extremely small anyway.
Keep on taking pride fulfilling a role no other class even bothers to spec or gear for minus a shield in the case of warriors and a few pieces of leftover gear, because they dont have to…its that easy to do.
Okay, then you admit that the OT I beat out for threat and mitigation had very little difference from a tank spec bear tank, even if he wasnt fully specced to tank. You lose again.
seems like you have plenty of time to dispute me otherwise? why not spend 5 measly minutes linking a video? Doesn’t seem like much compared to the time you’ve spent attempting to dispute my hard evidence. Once again, you lose the argument.
That’s pretty neat.
Thanks for going into the explanation.
It seems like what is going on here is that a player with the highest skill level and access to good gear can do a good job.Not everyone,in fact probably most people,will be able to do this.But most people can do a good job with Warrior or Druid at even a medium skill level.So kudos to you! You are doing a nice job.But maybe don’t act like it’s so incredibly easy that others with lower skill levels will be so turned off when they try it and it doesn’t work out.Not that they shouldn’t try,just that they should understand the dedication it takes.Which you kind of touch on by listing spells and gear and talents and enchants and discords,etc,but many people don’t really pick up on that.
Prot Pallies can tank raids too,with dedication and research and great skill and the right gear.It’s not going to happen for my Pally,lol.
how did this go for you?
id be impressed if you can clear naxx as the main tank.
mc is meh
@Zamkabob they will keep setting the bar higher no matter how much you prove. Do not seek the validation of those who do not matter. Be what you are and be a good one.
On a side note, Shaman tanks are the undisputed kings of generating hate on the forums. Its like every post is a max rank Earth Shock crit…
I think one good reason for a shaman tank existing is to help with the tank shortage in dungeons. A fully geared shaman tank should be able to handle everything up to ubrs, so if you’re having a hard time finding a tank this niche can come fill that role. Wouldn’t use em in raids though
its not my job to be impressed, i will tell you when i am!
I have zero interest in when you are or are not impressed. Please do not let me know, pillow princess.
A chunk of the (idiot) play-base in 2019-2020 aren’t even convinced that Feral Bear Druids & Protection Paladins are suitable for tanking dungeon content, lol. With that said, it’s doable I’m sure - but most random groups won’t accept you just like they won’t usually accept Smite Priests (or even Shadow Priests for that matter) as dungeon DPS. Dungeons are really tough business, after all.
Paladins shamans are fine if your group is terrible…
But the closer your group is to ceiling DPS the less viable shaman/pala tank are with no taunt and no real way to put out more sustained agro than a warrior popping off
Certainly not without going oom every pull on a single target
Both can tank in a raid…Just would require your DPS to go very very slow lol
that was rude, now im going to tell you anyway
Please don’t talk about something you don’t know and spread misinformation, it leads people to believe WoW Classic is difficult and these issues are insurmountable.
Oh sorry, I should explain why I go stamina over armor. At a certain point, when you are decently geared, stamina surpasses armor but this is a very luxurious position that not many people can go.
WHat do you mean don’t know…I’ve flexxed tank in MC before
It can be done by the bold, thanks tho caperfin my lvl 24 shaman
Shaman can do the same…Games not hard lol
I’m actually going to try out a 21/30/0 spec and see how it works. I pug OT ZG in vanilla in my r10 pvp gear was pretty fun.
Shaman are better tank in terms of a “taunt” because ES actually causes threat, whereas judging does not. Rockbiter and righteous fury both are the initial threat producers and even out. Their totems help with a lot more flexibility than auras and seals. They aren’t as tanky, but do way more dps. As long as you have a healer spec’d class you should be gtg with a shaman tank.
blessings generate threat
have fun
a lot more threat than any shaman can dream of lol with enough mobs on the agro table