You will have difficulty finding mail with defense on it, I recommend going for very high agility because agi provides both armor and dodge rating, as well as threat (via crit).
Probably going to wanna get a lot of “hunter” mail I’d imagine.
You will have difficulty finding mail with defense on it, I recommend going for very high agility because agi provides both armor and dodge rating, as well as threat (via crit).
Probably going to wanna get a lot of “hunter” mail I’d imagine.
Helm of Narv
Grand Marshall Morris neck
Elements shoulder and belt
Sergeants Cape
Bloodmail Chest and Boots
Beast stalker bracer and gloves
Tristam legs (ubrs corehound boss)
Thralls resolve
Mark of Tyranny
Frost wolf insignia
Timeworn mace and Immovable object for single target
Hand of Edward the odd and Force Reactive disc for aoe
I use all armor enchants, and +2% block on shield instead of stamina. Including the +125 armor enchants on head and legs from Libram of Tenacity.
Happy hunting
You are drastically overestimating WoW Cassic’s difficulty.
Shaman tanks don’t get +def on gear, that’s for Naxx tanking related stuff. Agi is great for dungeons but falls off in raids for a short while until you get geared with ced raid gear and then Agi becomes good in raids (it’s a circle).
I’d suggest Smoking Heart if there’s ever any intention to raid tank in the future. Also, armor ench don’t scale with “Toughness”. I prefer stamina since it helps with magic and physical damage but that’s situational I guess.
We let a shammy pull and tank a surger in molten core last night. He pulled initial threat, survived long enough for the raid to catch up and they basically pulled aggro off him instantly. Had his 15 seconds of fame.
Leave the raid tanking to actual tanks - outside of raid do whatever you and your group feel comfortable with.
He must be doing something wrong then, because if you check the logs I posted from last night, I was OT most of MC last night and even the Druid and Prot warrior couldn’t keep threat off of me even with taunting.
Blockquote [quote=“Caperfin-fairbanks, post:185, topic:294500”]
I prefer stamina since it helps with magic and physical damage but that’s situational I guess.
I think based on valuation in your guide, the armor enchants still might be worth more than the stamina. Mathematically speaking you just need to divide any armor that doesn’t scale with Toughness by 1.1, and THEN apply the valuation multiplier in the spreadsheet you provide in your guide to the resulting number to get it’s true tanking value. It ends up being larger than the stamina/health gains from other enchants you could get in the same slot, however it is still a matter of preference. I had been aiming for an initial amount of 4k health unbuffed since I was only OT, but now that I’ve gotten a little more gear I’m around 4.2k unbuffed, still using only armor enchants. More health will be preferable when I get comfortable with the idea of actually tanking skull level mobs. Crushing Blows are a big factor.
Yes. It can be done if everyone is on their A game. Still isn’t worth it above 40. But it can be done. Like most niche things in WoW, the shortcomings make it harder for the others. With skilled knowledge players it can be overcome. I wouldn’t PuG a shaman tank… unless we are all below 40. But even then… you are still better off with a dps warrior. At least they have a taunt for when the healer pulls aggro.
You know, warlocks can do the same thing. No tank is holding threat off of a warlock going full out.
Does that make them viable tanks? (because practically anything can off-tank)
Hell no it doesnt, the damage they intake is insane…much like a shaman.
honestly my recommendation would be don’t tank as a shaman. they really can’t, at least not past level 30 or so. im all for inviting every spec (such as druids and pallys tanking). if you don’t want to heal as a shaman just go ele or enhancement and dps. shamans are not tanks
Try it. Have fun. It’s a game.
But if you’re talking about whether you can ever be as efficient a tank as a warrior or Druid, the answer is simply no, sorry. Your armour value is way lower, your threat generation is lower, you have no snap aggro etc…
Doesn’t mean you can’t do it and have fun. But the hard truth is that it’s not ‘optimal’ for many reasons.
they can tank some thats about it,
Okay and I also out mitigated and took less damage than the Bear OT, and on Gar I out mitigated and took less damage than the Warrior OT. You’re losing this, homie, throw in the towel.
Again, you’re wrong here, scroll up and look at the logs I posted. I mitigated more damage and took less damage on multiple boss fights than the other OT’s in the raid.
Don’t know if I posted in this thread or not.
Oh well.
Shaman tanks are completely doable if someone has it specced correctly, but due to the limitations of mail gear, probably mostly just 5 man dungeons, and maybe UBRS as an off tank.
I’ve heard people doing raid tanking with them, but I don’t know how well that goes…?
I’m literally tanking MC rn as shaman in mostly blue’s. I posted logs of saturday night, the link is in this thread. Compare my damage taken to the other tanks. The proof is in the pudding bb
Here are logs from this saturday in MC. Take a look, on Golemagg I mitigate more and take less damage than the Bear OT. On Gar I tank longer, mitigate more, and take less damage than the Warrior OT. Pretty cool. If you hover my avg ilvl it brings up a tooltip of my gear and you can see I was in mostly blues.
That isnt at all possible.
[1] You dont have the armor values of either a bear or prot warrior tank. Period. Your class is not able to reach their values. Assuming equal gear levels its literally impossible because of your class choice.
[2] You say bear off tank and warrior offtank. What kind of comparison is that? A dps warrior putting on a shield? Do they have any defensive talents at all? while you have every one available to you?
Offtanks are generally pure dps, unless they are a meme spec like yourself who is specifically gearing and talenting to offtank as your primary role. Apples to oranges comparrison.
That’s awesome, congrats!
But my comment still stands. Are the OT’s just DPS warriors with minimal tanking gear? Did they just throw on a shield with their DPS gear? What about threat? More threat = more allowable raid DPS = less dmg intake etc… If their gear level is similar to yours, and they REALLY wanted to out-mitigate you, they probably could.
Again, I’m not saying you can’t do it. I’m just saying that any Druid or Warrior with similar knowledge and skill will outperform you if they put as much effort into it as you seem to be. You’ll have to work twice as hard to keep up.
Doesn’t mean it’s not doable. Your logs prove it. It just means it’s not optimal.
Logs don’t lie. Have fun crying over the numbers dummy.