Shaman Tanks Karazhan 11/11 World First

Fasc is a regular. He goes to EVERY shaman tanking thread to spew the same nonsense.


You don’t say

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Wrath pre-patch Ret Paladins were so hilariously overpowered lolol. That was a lot of fun.


Well you gotta feel bad for the guy, you know that if he tried to cat form it that it would probably just be embarrassing on a whole 'nother level.


I’m only here to watch Fasc lash out, incensed by the mere suggestion that a non-tank class tanked something



Lying is bad.

I’d love to see some more of this tauren shaman tanking content. It was a fun watch, despite all of the negativity that’s been brewing in this thread. I wonder if he’ll be able to eventually tank everything that TBC has to offer? Also: does the tauren HP racial Endurance make a difference during certain encounters/situations?


5% more EH is better no matter who gets it.

Of course, but in this situation, I’m curious just how much easier it could make things for a tauren shaman tanking content in comparison to other shaman races. I’m looking forward to a response from Bonerover.


I didn’t watch the video either but I am not surprised this thread became heated. Some people become very unhappy when others don’t do what the meta asks and will go to great lengths to denounce it.

I remember just talking about playing other games that I like but making the game harder for myself for the sake of challenge and I had people telling me I was nuts.


I’d love it if someone could show me ever saying the words “meta” or referring to one

I still remember being one shot by them in open world pvp during that stint.

The 5% is pretty big tbh. The other racials aren’t very tank specific, unless Troll for some threat gen. Warstomp is nice too when it works.

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How would I know? I don’t keep a close eye on what you post. I just checked in on this thread after about a day.

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Makes me wonder if troll could be better considering that shaman lack traditional threat tools? Hmm. Then again, shaman also lack traditional tank survival tools. Perhaps it would depend on the content.

100%. Im sure any shaman race could do all the content to be honest.

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Has anyone said Shaman can’t do this because of some meta?

Shaman can’t do what?

I see you are just focusing in on one word and missed the point of my post. Not getting into this. Have a nice day.

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Tank most current content.

You and others come in to spout off about meta-slaves and parsing and you have no idea what you’re even talking about.