Shaman tanking in phase 2 - Voidreaver

Its not like the game really requires more than that.

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Also depends on gear (how many mobs can be taken on, and yeah taking on a full 6-7 mob group like those later packs in HSHH yeah no lol), but yes, for heroics CC is the way to go for sure. That said, a lot of the tanks I know (especially warriors and druids) outright refuse to go into H. SHH without good CC.

The sheer number of mobs makes it a pain to keep controlled. Swipe only hits three targets and the Healer has to jump on it fairly quickly, so you have to be very proactive with Demo Roar, tab-targeting, and any Engineering goodies you can pack in for good measure.

Another very common problem a lot of Tanks have is that they want the mobs all grouped up, so they pull and LoS so the casters come too… but the problem this creates is a very sudden amount of spike damage on the Tank because everything gets to you about the same time and swings at about the same time. Setting up your own slows or deliberately allowing a caster to start a cast or two before going LoS helps stagger the incoming damage to reasonable levels.

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Totally. I’ve seen even decently geared pally tanks get erased because they took on all the mobs and the healer could not keep up (or was not expecting that spike).

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True I should have used ‘optimal’. But, the patio still got built.

Right, but taking the patio analogy further:

Five people agree to group together to build a patio, doing however they please to get the job done. As unorthodox as they are, they get a sturdy, successful, albeit janky-looking, patio built. However, in the process, only 4 of the 5 actually did any real work. The fifth brought beers and snacks for the group… but ended up drinking and eating them all himself and doing no actual work. He was just… there. This 5th person is still a part of the group, and is possibly even appreciated the most because his personality and humor and company is what keeps the whole group lively and fun… but he still didn’t actually build anything. He didn’t even help.

The group viably constructed a patio.
Every group member did not viably perform patio construction.

I’ve been thinking about the analogy and I think that it works really well when it comes to dps or heals. But when it comes to tanking it may not fit quite as well since a tank still has to create enough threat and have sufficient mitigation for something to work. Otherwise, patio construction would not be achieved.

On the newer side of things. Finally took the time to put together a nature resists set so I could try out tanking Hydross. And it went well! see the video below. Just wished I would have done it pre-nerf but oh well.

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Have the nerfs enabled you to tank/OT anymore fights?

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Only Hydross so far. Although that was totally doable pre-nerf. I’ll definitely let you guys know if I tank anything else :slight_smile:

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You still playing @Arcanewolf?

This is cool

i guess when ur dps is that bad threat isnt an issue, but you wouldnt be able to tank anything on my server you would get kicked insta for not being able to hold threat

2 people over 700 DPS in P2, 0 over 1k dps - were you all having a zoom call on another screen while auto attack/casting?

You “tanked” 18% of the fight - nor during pull or cooldown phase. You contributed more parry hastes than a 63 rogue would’ve.

I am, but haven’t done much tanking in this phase. If something changes I’ll do some updates :slight_smile:

That’s because shaman aren’t tanks.



Shamans can tank

Sure, if you want to gimp the raid at that point, they can tank certain mobs/bosses (for a while, only).

Such as:

  • Bosses where armor isn’t relevant or armor isn’t major factor for DR
  • Bosses that a Warrior can Dual Wield without problem
  • Bosses that cast more than do melee hits
  • Bosses that don’t have any special ability such as Illidan

I can see shamans tanking:

  • Priest lady on Council
  • Hydross
  • Perhaps one of Illidan’s adds with fire resist, but again, gimping the raid SO MUCH that you will need external cds for the shaman to not die.

Any boss that requires the shaman to establishes and maintain threat while the raid is DPS’ing or any boss that requires you to fight for threat (e.g. Void Reaver), shaman will be just someone getting hit for a while until it switches to another tank.

If “Shamans are tank because they can tank”, so are rogues with their avoidance gear 100% tanking mother and illidan.


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About as well as a hunter pet.

LOL right.