Shaman tanking in phase 2 - Voidreaver

A hunter pet can actually be more effective as tank than a shaman enhancement. But Hunters are too busy doing what they do best: DPS, instead of making us cringe at videos with people * clicking * on their abilities.

The raid gimps themself allowing a shaman to tank. If they like to do that so be it, but it def. is bad and weird.

Don’t think even this, they hit very hard and Shaman have no EH modifiers that count for anything. First melee+breath combo they eat, they’d die.

I would love to see a shaman clicking on buttons trying to tank that and grieving their guild.


I hope metamporph loks get into Lich King tanking again so I can listen to you whine about how they shouldn’t be doing that also.

Implying they Tanked?

36 sec of having beefed up stats every 2 min, 6 sec does not a make you a Tank. Even with a Soul Linked Void Walker, you just wouldn’t have the EH to survive most encounters you don’t massive outgear, assuming you can kill it in 36 sec.

The Heroic ICC25 tier chest for Warlocks has 139 Stamina, with a talented 13.333% bonus health.

Warriors, the lowest EH Tank of the bunch, get 251 Stamina, with a talented 9% bonus health. It just isn’t even remotely close.

I’m sure there will be videos of Warlocks “tanking” the entry Heroic 5mans while running around in Naxx25 epics and it will be very exciting stuff, what with all the actual Tanks practically soloing their way through the same content at that point.

PS - Where did all the people proclaiming Shaman would Tank Illidan go?

oh neat Henceforth the renowned and experienced Shaman tank!
everyone quiet, let him talk.
He knows his stuff!

Go on Hence share your experience as a Shaman Tank…

We know he knows his stuff. That’s why Shaman aren’t Tanking, because they aren’t Tanks.

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Well, it depends. Shamans can tank normal and heroic instances (if they know what they are doing of course). In addition, they can MT or OT in raids like Kara, while OTing 25-man P1 and P2 content.

Now, sadly in P3 raids things look way more difficult because:

  • Shaman tanks were already struggling with threat plus they must go full mit - all the time

  • The P3 mail items (an onwards) offer much less when it comes to armor than before. While the tank classes got a huge boost in both stam and armor.

Now, could a Shaman tank in ZA? who knows, might be interesting to try :grin:

Would you choose a Shaman tank over any other tank class for say, heroic dungeons? if there is a warrior/druid or decently geared pally tank probably not (I mention well-geared pally because I’ve run with pre-raid geared pallys and it’s just awful, so squishy, and yes this is me saying squishy :laughing:)

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A shaman can tank nightbane just fine.

Could easily tank a Illidan fire add. its all elemental dmg just need fire resist.

A Shaman would have a fraction of the health of a Warrior doing the same thing, let alone a Druid who can get so much beefiness, threat, and avoidance, that a Druid can solo Tank both elementals at the same time.

Shaman have no Stamina modifiers and even full S3 gear doesn’t put them even close to the other Tanks. The first melee/breath combo or melee/blaze combo that lands partially resisted is going to 100-0 the Shaman.

Kinda reminds me of when my Rogue tanked bosses.

A rogue would unironically make a better tank too. 100% avoidance ftw.

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Heres a set that would do just fine.

16k health with every Stamina/Health buff imaginable, including Commanding Shout and Blood Pact. Apparently in this Warlock/Warrior group you stuck an Elemental Shaman as well for Totem of Wrath and Wrath of Air? I love how you used a Merc weapon but said Shaman is somehow rocking S3 shoulders too…

PS - This would require luck to pull off, if even. No eye-beam fires, good avoidance, no poor resist rolls, and a lot of successful threat rolls. There’s no guarantee if you take a 25% resist of all the damage sources (melee swing, Flame Blast, Blaze, and Demon Fire) that you’d live.

7500 + 6500 + 3750 + 1500 = 19,250

Even without Flame Blast, if you took more than a tic of Blaze you’d still risk instant death.

Nice try though.

okay take away the ele and warrior it still works brah.

and youre not going to take a melee, breath, blace and demon fire all at once unless youre actually trying to die.

Take away the Warrior and you’re at 15k health and even more likely to die to not even a full combo.

Take away the Ele and you go from doing paltry threat to doing nearly none at all.

Spoken like someone who has never done the encounter while trying to avoid Illidan’s eyebeam and not breath on a group.

Good luck getting 2100 Arena so you have a chance at dying in the first 20 sec of P2 on Illidan!

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Stop trying to make this a thing at the expense of your guilds time. Roll a real tank or shut up.