Shaman tanking in phase 2 - Voidreaver

Embrace of the Twisting Nether is in fact BiS for the whole game.

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What’s more impressive than tanking with your shaman is how many people you made cry over it lmao. Keep with it my man!


people are so rude to you for doing something different and fun. Good job and keep it up!


It would have to be considering the on use affect. Just wondering if it would be viable for the shaman tank to have two for more uses.

Does it reset your threat or just make you lose aggro on use?

Have you tried a deep Elemental build instead of a deep Enhancement build?
Something like this, and instead of Enhancement PvP gear you go with Elemental PvP gear.

Instead of Windfury Weapon, you’d use Flametongue Weapon, which Stormstrike can still proc (I think?), while having the requisite Spell Power to make Lightning Shield, Frost Shock, and Flametongue Weapon all hit much harder.

My gut says that you’re probably still better off threat-wise with the more typical physical damage talents and going with a beefy weapon like the A’lar stuff or the Decapitator, but you just miss out on all the extra scaling you’d want by being forced into PvP gear.

Gladiator’s Linked gear has Strength, Stamina, and Crit/AP/Hit/ArP secondaries.
Gladiator’s Mail gear has Intellect, Stamina, and SP/SpCrit/SpHit secondaries.

My point being that your mana pool dramatically deepens using Elemental as your threat as opposed to Enhancement, your Shocks punch way harder, and your spells just hit that much more often.

I know that means swapping from one kind of Gladiator gear to another set, which is already a pain in the butt given how annoying Arenas are now and slow going points are to acquire.

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So badies supporting a bad idea


No, getting aggro and surviving for a few seconds does not make someone a tank.


You say intention, when the boss in question, his entire gimmick for the tanks and melee, is to drop threat and try to get onto a dps. A lot of melee who aren’t tanks, “tank” for a few moments.

Idk if you read the list of things I get aggro on, or if you dont really understand how powerful 80% dodge really is, but me getting aggro has never wiped the raid, and there is no

Because if I took damage, I’d die in 1 hit.

There are a lot of instances i can pull from, but ill use another boss from that same raid, Alar.

Tanks are slow. Alar is fast. I am fast. Flame quill is annoying mechanic. Alar being alone wipes the raid. Big brain rogue. Sprint to alar, pre pop evasion, hit alar, tank alar till tank gets there. Raid not wiped to flame buffet.

Guess what, everyone sees me sprinting to alar and ahead of the pack. Guess what, my RL casually reminds me to use evasion which I never forgot to use it but I do appreciate the extra reminder. Guess what, the priests and the druids and the shamans and the paladin see me up there first. Guess what, they intend to heal me on the off chance I get hit and don’t die, which means they are expecting the damage. Guess what, im still not a tank.

Now looking at loot reaver, where his entire thing is to eventually hit melee, we’ve had our rogues and warriors be 3rd on the threat, but the 2nd tank isn’t keeping up with the feral, so the feral eventually gets knocked down too much, then the second tank quickly follows, and then its on a warrior or rogue, and the warrior throws on his shield and goes into defensive stance trying to just survive till a tank gets back up, or a rogue evasions then vanishes or evasions and plays his luck for 15 seconds knowing that the instant vanish will then put threat on the shaman and the shaman sure as hell will not live compared to the warrior or rogue. This fight, at most levels of play, expects dps to get threat.

This doesn’t make dps into tanks. “Tanking for a moment” does not make someone a tank, just like how cutting down a single tree does not make me into a logger, or making some spaghet does not make me into a chef.


That’s on me, I set a low bar by saying any other boss, and the council for FL are apart of his fight.

You did tank her, but idk if thats a high bar to pass. She heals, does a tornado which is dodgable, does an aoe stun which is meant to not one shot people as all melee will he hit, a volley which is also survivable as its meant to hit more than just the tank, and autos. Tbh a lot of people could tank her, just give the person a pocket healer and call it a day. She’s a low pressure individual.

I want to see a shaman do what is expected of the other 3 classes. I want to see you snap threat on Leo, I want to see you eating the adds on lurker, including their hard hitting cleave. I want to see you go toe to toe with alar, which I mean you physically can’t since you lack a taunt.

Which brings me to a pretty key point, you dont have the toolkit to tank. You don’t have the support to tank from gear, needing to rely hard on pvp gear and its survivability, you lack a taunt, you dont gain defensive stats for being in a specific form, you dont have any threat increases, exact opposite actually with the parry talent.

So yeah, cool, you tanked a boss where the entire gimmick is for non tanks to tank, and the lowest pressure council member for FL.

If I was that rogue in your guild, I couldn’t type /gquit fast enough.

Also how dare you guys, slamming the rogue to train her, when his strenght comes from cleaving the male snake and woke toad down, but I also never saw him break 1k dps so maybe its for the best.

I have actually done 2/3 of those, I’ll see if I can upload a video and link it over the weekend. My guild has not done Al’ar yet, but I have tanked the adds on our attempts.

I actually only need 2 pvp pieces. I have more now but that’s coincidental. Just need some resilience to help me get to uncrit and that’s it. I do lack a taunt, but I do have a spell that has a decent threat modifier. Regarding parry, yeah I do not take that talent, that would not help lol

At least I do have a defensive cooldown. So that’s that heh

This isn’t Reddit.

That’s a great point Fasc! I have not tried it yet, but a lot people think that may be the way to go in later phases. The only bad thing I can think of is perhaps lower avoidance (less agi on gear some lower stam) and, most importantly, the loss of the only defensive cooldown I have (which is literally a lifesaver)

Yeah I’ve noticed that the S3 and S4 gear has a decent gap in Stamina between the Ele and Enh sets. I would caveat that the Enh Glad gear doesn’t have Agility on it, so your Avoidance is pretty paltry no matter what, so I wouldn’t stress over that.

The lack of Shamanistic Rage doesn’t help for sure, but the thing about big CDs like that is that they’re for temporary “whoops” moments, not concerted Tanking. Our Warrior doesn’t use Shield Wall or Last Stand regularly as a matter of course, but rather only pops it when things go south like last night on A’lar where I taunted, Healers were slow to swap, and I died. A quick Shield Wall on him and Rebirth on me cured that problem rather quickly, but the problem was entirely user error (poor Healer reaction relative to what the fight requires).

FYI I would never hold it against you if you were doing everything you needed and Healers just dropped the ball. If Healers just don’t touch your health bar for 6+ seconds and you die, and that’s the only reason you died, that’s 100% Healer error and not the fault of the Tank.

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Yeah S3 enhance gear has no agi sadly. That’s why I’ve trying to keep pvp gear at a minimum (mainly just get two pieces for the set bonus). Actually right now I have too much resilience, I just want to get to uncrit and no more :laughing:

Get wrecked, bears.

I’ll never understand why so many people get so heated over stuff like this. Sometimes I think you guys forget this is a video game. Go get some fresh air.


The other facet of Gladiator gear is the fact you need it for maximum Stamina/Armor, your Effective Health, since as a Shaman you’re woefully under all the standard Tanks, but that being said, it looks like T6 gear matches very closely with S3 gear.
64 Stam, 3 sockets, has Agility
64 Stam, 3 sockets, no Agility, Resilience

Unfortunately once you hit Sunwell, you’re back to needing S4 gear as all the Sunwell pieces go down in Stamina to around 50ish, while having a touch more Armor and better offensive stats across the board.

Yeah. Worry about healer mana. Reminds me of another meme spec in Classic Vanilla …

I can tank stuff too if healers would spam heal me.

Wow yes, I would definitely go with this. That Agi is awesome!!