Shaman tanking in phase 2 - Voidreaver

It’s not outside the box, anyone can “tank” a mob for a bit with enough heals poured into em, it’s just stupid and a waste of time to do so.

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Some people don’t care about how long it takes and just doing the fight in an unconventional way is enjoyable for them.

Someone I enjoy talking about Elden Ring with was talking about a person doing a level 1 run. They were on Horox Loux for over 4 hours. (I think it was closer to 8 but I can’t remember.) Still some people are willing to put insane amounts of time into games to reach a set goal.

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This. Most Classic raiders have “META” beaten into their skull (admittedly, myself being one of those people). There’s other ways to play the game w/o striving for pink parses and speed kills.

It’s neat and refreshing to see another player and their group’s dedication to try off-meta group comps and strategies.


I don’t know about Wrath since I never played it back in the day. But I was just chuckling because this is exactly what I heardback in Classic before TBC came out. Yet here we are :slightly_smiling_face:

Well it wasn’t exactly wrong.

Molten Core bosses hit trivially hard compared to anything in Karazhan, so it was no surprise that when sturdiness mattered even less that Shaman could do more. Likewise in BWL, although by then threat was such a huge issue that even attempting it was rough, plus the fact that the drakes and Broodlord just flattened the Shaman anyway. AQ40 saw a better success until Twins since nothing prio to Twins actually hit harder than previous content but then it all stopped at Naxx.

Now in TBCC we saw major struggles in T4 when it was current, almost nothing in T5 but for Void Reaver (threat notwithstanding) and adds on Hydross and Fathom-Lord, and nothing at all in T6 but for Flames of Azzinoth thanks to it being a pure resistance fight, and even then it was dicey as previously discussed.

What Shaman could pull off during a tier has dramatically shrunk each time.

You were wrong. You’re just trying to backtrack and make excuses as to why you were wrong.

You forgot Hydross! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This is sadly true. With each passing phase things continue to become harder. Mainly due to our lack of ability to wear plate.

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Bone-boi, you need to just chill.

Did you do Hydross himself/herself/itself/H20self? Neat!

I did!! back in December. Here is the video. I warn you though, this video is of my very first time, I was really nervous and did tons, and I mean TONS, of mistakes. Yet it still worked :joy:


Very nice! Pure resist-type fights definitely let you circumvent most of your EH shortcomings on top of the fact that you get an element-specific D-stance.

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How can you say you weren’t wrong, yet you clearly were?

I can go back and bring back your quotes from earlier, but that’s not going to do anything for you is it?

So would you say the shaman is a tank in this video? Or are they performing a different role than that?

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Thanks Fasc!! by the way, several weeks later I decided to respec and try to do this same fight while DW. It was awful. It still worked, but I could feel the severe reduction in threat from Spirit Weapons. Adding to my ongoing hatred for that talent :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I get you have a bone to pick with me but my prediction was completely accurate. Vanilla to TBC made Tanking a more serious endeavor and left Shaman behind further. TBC to Wrath does so even more so, further widening the already large gap.

Naw, the Shaman is absolutely Tanking in this Hydross kill.


Yeah I still stand by my position from last year that the best setup is more Ele-focused than Enh-focused. I can see a DW build pumping better DPS, but not better TPS.

You’re wrong, most of the time.

Maybe a subpar druid should stop suggesting they know things they don’t.

But please, continue to write rants on how your math is real and the VODs aren’t.

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Aside from the true solo Tank attempt by a Paladin, not even close. Healers can and will pull off a Shaman trying to hold a Flame in FR/PvP gear, and the moment Frost Shock fails to land on the pull it’ll happen.

No one cares what a faceless alt says.

Keep denying reality, 2nd. Someday you’ll get out of the purple parses, I just know it!

Maybe someday your guild will use you as a real tank.

Not sure someone whose only bear for 5 bosses should count.

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So you mean… the first week of BT clearing?

Gee… that was hard.

Where are your logs?

Your average for the tier is purple 2nd.

Sure you have a couple fights you did good on but overall, pretty mediocre.

Tough dude. Tough.