Shaman tanking in phase 2 - Voidreaver

Video above shows a shaman tanking VR. Going to just ignore that or create another arbitrary standard to make yourself feel validated?

Yes, Iā€™ve tanked VR too. Dodge and Parry are helpful until the real tanks climbed back up. I even tanked a Supremus Hateful!


Iā€™m proud of you, good job.

My only follow up would be was everyone else in the raid expecting you to do this, or was it by your own volition?

Oh it was because other tanks had died, and I was just next up on threat because unlike a real DPS like a Hunter, I dont have a threat wipe.

Tanked it good, almost as well as a Rogue could with evasion up!


So you did tank the boss just as an FYI.

Rogues have tanked Illidan so itā€™s not completely out of the ordinary.

Narrator: No actually, he did not.

So who tanked the bosses when the tanks died?

Nobody, either you wipe, or he dies as heā€™s killing people going from most threat to least.


So you didnā€™t tank the boss like you said. You took a hit or two and the raid wasnā€™t planning on it.

Now I would say if you took hits for a while then you tanked it, even if briefly. But thatā€™s just my opinion.

Right, because again, Shaman are not tanks.

How does the situation of you taking 1 hateful from Supremus invalidate the shaman Offtanking VR?

You live in a weird reality dude.

No, you silly boy, Iā€™m talking about threat and DPS relative to one another in his particular instance. It helps when you donā€™t just read a single line and fire off a response.

Thatā€™s entirely the point that contradicts ā€œthreat is fineā€ claims. Threat isnā€™t fine if people have to throttle since the standard across all three Tanks is non-throttling.

Are your WASD keys broken?

Pumpin! Yeah, like I said, we arenā€™t some top tier crew. Things die fast enough, but it could be much faster. Hardly anyone is dropping coin on Haste/Destruction Potions and whatnot. Hilariously, our slower DPS speed is more than sufficient to still down ā€œharderā€ content in SWP, and we still have a ways to go on gear upgrades. You guys are already well beyond anything needed for SWP and could stop getting gear now and full clear everything Day 1.

Yes, because youā€™re designed around using your buttons for that purpose. Not using Feign Death is akin to a Druid not using Shred or a Warlock not using Shadowbolt just becauseā€¦ donā€™t be silly.

Look, why is Auburn playing his druid while his guild works on progression.

Thatā€™s all you need to know.


That makes me really sad honestly. I remember being so pumped when we beat Brutallus enrage timer the first time, we will probably smoke him now.

You didnā€™t read any of my other post about FD and hunter threat. You sound very ignorant here.

You move with your keyboard? Baddie.

And if it resist I have to throttle my dps. So those tanks are no longer tanks according to your claims.


As our hunters cry out when they get resisted ā€˜this game is dog shā€¦ā€™

RNG is RNG. That is not the TANKS failing you, as a Shaman would.

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No. Even if it doesnā€™t resist I still have to throttle sometimes. Pumpers pump man.

Yes, but even he is aware, that it WOULD HARM THE GUILDS PROGRESSION.

Wonder why, if a Shaman is a valid choice.

First, there isnā€™t progression anymore. This is 15 year old content.

Why do you insist on creating false realities in your head? No one said Shamans are the best tanks, #1 on every fight! Youā€™re just imagining things to upset yourself about.