Well if the tank has to have dps throttle they’re not a tank. You said this, not me.
Unless you’re making arbitrary lines in the sand where you think slowing dps is acceptable and where it’s not.
Well if the tank has to have dps throttle they’re not a tank. You said this, not me.
Unless you’re making arbitrary lines in the sand where you think slowing dps is acceptable and where it’s not.
You dont have to throttle, you just have to FD properly, its a skill a DPS main should utilize.
Two things.
MD is 3 shots. It makes up maybe 5k threat.
So where is this arbitrary line you’re drawing in the sand? 3 seconds wait on dps = tank. 10 secs wait on dps = not a tank?
Either way it’s only constructed in your own head. It’s an opinion just an FYI.
If you are catching up to a real tank, with FD, and MD’s, you would need to wait 45 seconds for a Shaman.
At least.
So there is the line. Glad to hear your the authority on line drawing.
I am the authority on this being a meme thread, for a meme topic, on a meme spec.
Your perception isn’t reality buddy.
No matter how hard you cry about Shaman tanks, they’re still tanks in some situations.
I’m not the one saying Shaman are tanks.
They are tanks in situations I’VE MENTIONED AND LINKED.
But keep ignoring those, it makes you look real mature.
Nope. In NO scenario is a Shaman the best choice. Literally none.
Where did I say they were the best? You’re pushing your false scenarios again.
Haters gonna hate.
No hate, its a laughable topic. Like literally laughing at your claim.
Shaman are not tanks. The class, gear, and talents are not meant for it.
Simple as that. Stay mad.
You’re all hate. You don’t know how to have fun and your play is mediocre at best.
Keep posting to threads that you hate because you have no other way to validate yourself.
I’m getting paid, and your mad.
No need for validation here, I’m not the one making claims and looking for some kind of acceptance of that laughable claim.
Haters gonna hate.
Sorry I dont accept your misinformation.
Does it make you upset when people tell you shamans can tank? Do you feel an undeniable urge to tell them they’re wrong? Does it overcome you to the point where you have to post on forums to make sure people know you don’t like something and that they’re wrong for doing it?
Have you let your loved ones know that you’re doing Gods work? “Mom, this guy said shamans can tank!” I’m going to make sure he knows they can’t! Even if he post evidence and everything I will just DENY DENY DENY. Do you love me now?"
Why would I be, they cant?