Shaman tanking in phase 2 - Voidreaver

I don’t think anyone said a Shaman can’t tank dungeons, in fact I would bet most classes can tank dungeons if fully geared.

Most people have been talking strictly raids, and the newer current raids that are actually a challenge.

My personal opinion is, if most of the raid needs to throttle their DPS back just so the shaman can keep aggro, that is not tanking.

Just looking at your avatar, I’m willing to bet if you don’t have a raid tank, you tank dungeons.

I know I would be, I pull off our alt tanks in ZA!

I guess you didn’t see the video or the channel with all the T5 tanking examples?

What about the adds on Lurker? they don’t count either?

I don’t think anyone stated that it can be competitive. I personally do not think it can. It is doable for some fights? yes. Competitive definitely no.

I’ve been playing shaman tank since classic. Currently threat is not the issue at all (It’s not great, but it’s not awful either). The main issue for shaman tanks is that (especially with P3) they do not have as high amounts of HP/Armor. Mit is the main issue not threat.

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Thanks for sharing your opinion.

I don’t necessarily think arbitrary standards should be included when discussing tanks on a whole, as the status is mend to be broad from anything Blizzard has given us. But, this is also my opinion so take it for what you want.

When you start making fine lines, we can exclude Druids from Illidan fight. I don’t think that would be a fair assessment either.

More people need to read this.

The Priest hits less hard than most of the trash in SSC, let alone the bosses. That’s why DPS Warriors often hold her off to the side for many guilds. The actual Tanks on that fight are dealing with the Shaman, Hunter, and the boss himself.

Caperfin pushes this concept every time he hawks his stupid guide:

The claim that Shamans can “fully tank” all content is an outright lie, and he disregards one of many shortcomings as irrelevant for comparison. That’s claiming Shaman are competitive, and we both know they aren’t.

It is, but you’re not seeing that because it is likely due to a lack of significant DPS on your backside.

This is entirely possible.

Yes, in this case, I do disagree with Caper. From all my experience so far Shamans can fully tank 5mans, 10mans (ZA TBD), and off-tank raids from P1 to P2. I have not really had a chance to OT with the Shaman in P3-P4. Currently, my guild is still progressing so I’m using my feral druid mainly. So I’ll reserve my P3-P4 opinion until I can do so.

And yes this is Arcanewolf - I finally switched to my shammy character since it was a point earlier in the thread lol


Looking at some of the logs, you guys don’t have necessarily bad DPS (bosses are dying after all), but you don’t have anyone really pulling hard either. On your Gorefiend kill yall managed ~31k DPS during your Heroism/Bloodlust. In comparison, my guild pulls ~46k in that same time frame. Granted there are a lot of gear differences, fewer Healers, etc, and we’re by no means some top tier crew, but the burst that’s possible isn’t something you guys are seeing.

That being said…

Good luck on your progression, I’m glad you guys are making steady progress in BT and hope you see Illidan fall soon.

Try and snag ZA runs whenever you can since there are hosts of upgrades you can get while waiting for first drops off of the later bosses.

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Creating an arbitrary standard again? Your logs don’t’ count because you’re terrible at Resto. (See how childish that sounds?)

Again, arbitrary standards. It’s expected that dps will have to throttle more. This isn’t rocket science, 2nd.

How far you going to move the goal post this time?

Shamans are probably baller Lynx tanks for that last bear boss too.

Why would they be better than a real tank?

  1. They are real tanks.

  2. Ranged threat, those Lynxs have a bad habit of running from the boss ASAP.

  1. No, despite modern thought, you cannot just say something, and people have to believe it.
  2. Never an issue on any of my runs with real tanks. Bears every time.

You assume people have problems getting Bears ever.

But, haters gonna hate.

And keep dismissing any current content video I’ve mentioned. Looks real mature on your part.

What current video? Where’s the tanking on Illidan?

Keep dismissing all the current videos I linked and mentioned previously. It makes you look real mature.

Awwwh, good for you! Do you want a cookie?

No, I dont. Simply look at the logs. Shaman are not tanks. The discussion is over.

There is zero chance a Shaman is holding threat against DPS that are pumping, this is not a question of ‘throttling DPS’ its not even comparable.

Like, not close, ever, not near, not going to happen.

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Living in your own reality? That doesn’t sound healthy.

Tanks can’t hold off my threat. I have to use Feign Death else I’m tanking. Do you consider those people not tanks either?

Go get a cookie. You need something to feel validated.

No, you are a hunter, and likely pump. That is why you have Feign Death, just as Mages have Invis, Locks have Shatter, Rogues have Vanish.

Main DPS which pump, have threat dumps because its part of their class, as they are INTENDED to pump out damage.

Shaman are not intended to tank, and so its not even a relevant point of discussion.