Shaman tanking in phase 2 - Voidreaver

I’m too busy Tanking Flames of Azzinoth.

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Is it because you would have to rely on RNG and heals if you ever wanted to think about tanking Illidan?

Because if that’s the case, you can’t be considered a tank. I’m getting that correct, right?

No, I’d have to have sufficient EH to endure his attacks after eating a Shear, and I haven’t bothered making a set because I don’t care.

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Okay. I believe you.

They can tank a few things if dps don’t dps, healers pump the shaman constantly, and the shaman doesn’t get unlucky.


I’m typically content.

But you’re exaggerating the help they need just a tad. DPS can still do damage, they just need to be a bit more mindful of their threat.

LMAO forgot about this video. What a clown, imagine calling this tanking LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Can I not have multiple toons/accounts?

  • Classic Era: 3 level60 Shaman Tanks.
  • SoM: 2 level 60 Shaman Tanks.
  • TBC Classic: 2 level 70 Shaman Tanks.

Although, you don’t seem to acknowledge pservers and think they are fairy fun time land. I still will post my toons here, because I would not trust someone who doesn’t play a shaman tank to comment on shaman tanking.

  • Wotlk (can’t mention the name here): 3 level 80 Shaman Tanks.
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Delusion is arguing a shaman can do it, Post logs of it being done or shut up.

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None of which have done anything of note aside from middling parses of Elemental in T4 content only.

Why would I acknowledge pirate servers with zero controls on tuning, tweaks, additions, subtractions, and outright poor scripting? You could solo Illidan for all I care on a pirate server and it wouldn’t mean anything to me, since you can’t recreate it here.

You don’t need to play a class to calculate basic things like Effective Health, Mana Regen, Threat per Second, etc. No one need level a Shaman to lvl70, pull aggro, get smacked in the face, and barely live (maybe) in order to say that Shaman are not Tanks.

Your threat is only marginally better than your survivability, neither of which are sufficient to do content as a Tank until the content is both nerfed and you dramatically overpower it the same way a Priest can “Tank” Deadmines at lvl70.

Shaman are even less capable of being Tanks in Wrath than they are in TBC, and in TBC they’re less capable than they were in Vanilla, and Shaman were not Tanks in Vanilla.

In Wrath you get:

  • 6% generic damage reduction
  • 10% Stamina scaling
  • 3% Dodge
  • 1 min CD for 30% DR
  • 680 health absorb every 30 sec that scales with nothing and eats a Glyph slot

None of this even remotely gets you to where you need to be to survive anything. You have no Defense gear on Mail, so you’re forced to wear PvP gear and Tank jewelry, except you’re stuck in MAIL so you’re already nearly HALF of what a Plate user gets before any modifiers, and not counting the numerous bonus Armor items that exist. Oh and no Armor modifiers whatsoever so that’s what you’re stuck with.

As for Stamina, you’re significantly less than the Plate-users DPS gear has. Heroic ICC gives DPS Plate users over 200 Stamina on their chest, Shaman only get 139. The actual Tank item for those Plate users is 251, so you’re hosed on Health scaling since every other Tank also gets increased Stamina as well.

As for DR, you’re the lowest of every Tank at 6%.

Your CDs mean nothing because 30% DR is great… if your baseline stats are that of a Warrior or DK… not a squishy Shaman. And the Stoneclaw Glyph is just laughable and entirely ignorable for how little it handles.

Shaman are not Tanks.


The basic math doesnt work. The only time it CAN work, is when the content is already outgeared, or has been nerfed into oblivion.

Anyone ran SSC lately? Vashj is such a joke now its not even within the same ballpark as it was pre-nerf, pre-BT/Hyjal farming.

Thats the type of content a shaman can ‘tank’. When insanely outgearing the content, for a laugh.

The video above is during current content.

The Karazhan video was current content.

There’s still lots of time in T6 too.

Is it bad to have fun? To each their own.

Fixed it for ya, 2nd.

It was not, the phase just ran too long, and the ‘tank’ on Nightbane was carried by 3 healers if I remember while throttling his raid’s DPS.

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How does this make sense? Current is current.

Still a kill. Haters gonna hate.

You know how many Morogrim kills had this same narrative?

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Because they outgeared the content. It wasn’t like when I killed it first raid with my guild on the 2nd weekend of release.

Yes, I’m sure a Shaman trying to tank Morogrim would also need extra healers since they are not meant to tank.

Current is current. Stop the mental gymnastics.

I’m at a 140 ilvl now, does that mean my parses don’t count anymore for BT/Hyjal?

Being a temporary meat shield on Void Reaver does not a Tank-make, particularly when Void Reaver has no Tank mechanics other than autoattacks. Likewise picking up the Priest on Fathom-Lord.

Being 3-healed by people with 25m gear doesn’t make it “current” content, and he still died repeatedly. He didn’t actually Tank successfully, he just kept throwing himself at it until RNG favored his meager healthpool.

The best any Shaman could accomplish in T5 was Hydross adds, the weakest add in Fathom-Lord, and moment during Void Reaver (but not the threat facet).

Things in T6 hit much harder, and Shaman EH didn’t grow in the slightest. We’re also no longer in P3, but P4, where new items have been introduced. Since no Shaman did anything while T6 was the latest content and without any ZA benefits, the door has already closed on their time to show the ability to stay up with the real Tanks.

The only thing we might see is a Shaman trying to do ZA, but without a Taunt they’re going to fail pretty badly while dying to the various boss debuffs and enrage mechanics. They might be able to handle Akil’zon, he’s the weakest by far, but I have my doubts.

Not even remotely what is being stated.

If it took you being ilvl 140 to even step up to the plate and compete at the level everyone else did at <130, we’d all justifiably mock the idea that your spec/play has any real value. The problem for Shaman is that they’re just now achieving at ~146 what every other Tank achieved at 100 or less, and without any of the other shortcomings Shaman have.

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You type a lot of gibberish.

Keep trying to validate your mediocre druid play by being negative on a shaman thread.