Shaman tanking in phase 2 - Voidreaver

Again, you keep projecting what you’re doing onto me. If you are reading wrath guides, fine, some people need it. It is not bad to admit it. What is bad is to think that you as a shaman can tank and be mad that people don’t like the idea.

Worse than that, malding on forums because others disagree with you.
What is even worse, is name calling others that don’t want to enable your delusions in a 17 year old game.

Well, this thread was created by another shaman that though he could be a tank.
I guess the hat fits perfectly for you, even though you are desperate to picture otherwise.


And now he’s being ableist and cruel for no reason… report and move on.

Well I mean you watch a shaman tanking and say they’re not tanking, is it ableist to state that clearly there’s some form of intellectual disability stopping you from admitting reality?

No I don’t think it is

Actually it’s because of my concern for you that I have to insist that you take your medication and get off the internet so nobody can hurt you

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Oh I understand your need to define Tanking so broadly and abysmally low that a hunter pet receiving a single melee swing “tanked” and now “is a tank” but 99.9% of the rest of WoW knows better.


Imagine having to ask politely for someone to stop name-calling and harassing you.

I haven’t seen a case for perma ban in the forums for ages…


Henceforth is just happy that the heat has come off his gold buying

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If anyone knows the general vicinity that Fascist lives, please notify the authorities of his paranoid delusional activity on the internet as I’m sure they’d be happy to pick him up early for harm minimisation purposes

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Stop trying to SWAT me.

I stand corrected.
People don’t play with you because you’re delusional about shaman tanking.

It is because you’re just unbearable.
And because you’re delusional about shaman tanking.


If you see Henceforth in game, make sure you report him for buying gold

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why are you guys necroing this crap ?

It will always be necro’d by some other butthurt meta slave know it all who’s too bad at the game to read the numbers and admit shaman tank viability

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as long as you dont do it in my group I realy dont give a crap

This is the quality entertainment only forums can provide.

A clearly jilted, and tilted, Shaman, angry at the world because others don’t want to be held back due to his selfish inadequacy.

Literal 10/10 troll thread.


The game is too hard for them, they want to eradicate any sense of a challenge, 15 years of game dissection and knowledge is not enough.

2 months later they will hover over the unsub button and wonder why they’re bored.


Can’t wait to see some updates coming up!

So the shaman didn’t tank in the video above?

You call others delusional but if the gloves fits…

Lvl60 who has done nothing since TBCC release and barely did anything in Classic says what?

Actually in vanilla you can see that the designers really wanted shamans and Paladins to both have an tanking build and to be able to tank normal dungeons on the way up. When TBC rolled around it’s as if this idea got lost because now both sides had Paladins and Shamans. But what they forgot was that lots of people liked that role on shaman and played it.
Never understood why they couldn’t see that just because we horde had Paladins us shaman that played that role enjoyed it. It would have only taken a couple small tweaks to be 100% viable and still different enough from Paladins. Now through homogenization all the original tanks feel about the same and the possibility of shaman tanking has become a thing of history. I truly miss playing by shankidin and the DPS I could display while still being able to tank through a few mechanics.
Now it feels as if blizzard has given up on almost any classes playing differently and any originality that could be achieved. A friend of mine mine did Beast Master tanking for the longest time. He used his skills and engineering to make himself viable but it worked. Those little stupid threat spring loaded boxes. Was fun.

Oh well thanks for reminding me of when WoW had real character and interesting design.


Even during original Vanilla, next to no one played Shaman to Tank anything and the general idea, based on the game limitations itself, was that once you hit lvl40 content and above, Shaman were entirely phased out of Tanking for the simple reason of Armor.

Paladins and Warriors upgraded from Mail to Plate.
Druids went from Bear to Dire Bear, which made their Leather gear go from Mail to Plate+ equivalent.

Shaman got the same Armor upgrade as Hunters, simply moving up from Leather to Mail, none of which was viable for Tanking in the hands of either class.

This lie gets perpetuated all the time and it is such a silly one. Vanilla Shaman needed an entire overhaul of Enhancement and gear availability to become viable.

The target dummies? So your friend “tanked” without actually Tanking, but rather kited a lot using his pet, traps, and Engineering toys to keep them off of him. That’s called Kiting, not Tanking.