Shaman Tank - ZA's first three bosses

Maybe one day some big company like Activision will buy them. That’s the dream.

I had bunnies for pets once. They do stuff like this.

Yes, I had a pally OT and he taunted for the bear phase. Then I had our hunter MD me when it was time for the troll phase. I definitely don’t think I have the mit necessary to solo tank it like pallys do though :slight_smile:

I wish hehe. No, only two healers. A resto shaman, and a holy priest. It’s just a bit confusing because I kept the shaman color as dark pink like how it was back in Classic (the light pink is the Pally). So we actually had three shamans: Myself, and ele shaman, and a resto shaman.

No doubt. Unfortunately for some classes, minding threat is difficult in large part due to the mechanic of how they do damage.

I’ve ripped on the pull after waiting for ~10k threat by opening with a 10K damage twist. When your threat generation ranges that widely, your only option is to just not attack at all, or stop DPS throughout the fight which just feels bad.

Again I think it’s cool that you have a group of pals willing to do this and potentially suffer the wipes for the memes.

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Doesn’t matter how good your tank is, find a dps pumping hard enough and anyone will have tps issues.

I say as long as your group was willing to go along and understood what the run was about, have at it. Have fun!

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Good work tanking these bosses, happy to see a little out of the box thinking to get it done.

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Thanks! and yes they knew ahead of time :slight_smile: I’ve actually tanked a lot with them. So they know the perils :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This is true. But I think this applies to the other tank classes too. Depending on how geared/good they are.

Thanks!! I was just really happy that it worked out :grin:

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