Shaman Tank - ZA's first three bosses

Hi all,

Here is a video of my initial attempt at tanking ZA as a shaman for the first three bosses (Akil’zon, Nalorakk, and Jan’alai). One thing to note is that the Eagle boss was bugged so after the first storm, there were no birds, and the boss would cast Storm at odd times (definitely not following dbm) so we have to cope with that. Hope you enjoy!


Eagle boss bug is because Blizzard is a small indie company.


Yeah, that bug was the weirdest thing. After the first storm, the rain was constant so there was no way to tell that the storm was coming so we had to more or less guess. Definitely changed the whole encounter.

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Cool video! I wish there were more people trying stuff like this because its the true spirit of Classic imo.


That’s pretty neat. Good job!


Thanks Nocht and Nyaria! yes, I completely agree. These types of runs are always fun especially just to see what can work and what won’t work :slight_smile:


We had the bird bug today aswell. No birds much storm.

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Same. Made for a really bad time.

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Yes!! that caused us so many issues. In the end, since the rain would not end (so we couldn’t use it as a guide to when Storm would happen) we figured that the screen went slightly darker before the storm (as well as more or less trying to time it) and that’s how we got it done.

I made a post in the Bug Forum about it. Hopefully they fix it soon.

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World first shaman tank griefs bear run. This is pure comedy lol

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Haha thankfully everyone was ok with this not being not a bear run. Especially with that bugged first boss. But hey never say never! :wink:


Congrats! I’m a little jealous

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How did he grief a run where the timer was already expired?


Found the sweat lord.


Chances are they’re not even sweaty.

Just bad and angry.


the bug makes the boss easier??
Feel bad for the people in the raid though.
Edit: just wanted to check logs and see that you have cleared hyjal and bt. Apparently nothing logged. you are a griefer lmao.

I think it’s neat, but if you had pumper DPS with no threat drops like a good spriest, ret paladin or enhance shaman - there’s absolutely no chance you’d be able to do this.

Cool video, though!

Something tells me you’re full of it.

Not a griefer, heh. I just don’t currently take the shaman tank during our progression runs. You can see me under my main Auburnmane :slight_smile:

They all knew we were going in for an experimental attempt and for fun :wink:


Do tell, I do think it’s neat but improbable without a very specific comp.