Shaman Tank - ZA's first three bosses

Its because every time someone tries to share their experiences doing something outside the norm meta players creep in and trash the idea because they can’t have fun outside of the meta. Look at the sweat lord calling OP a griefer for example, they cant fathom a ZA run that doesn’t go after the bear because the game doesn’t exist outside of a meta spreadsheet to them.

Nobody expects an enhance to out aggro a destro lock or arcane mage going full blast to even suggest it is ridiculous. I don’t even understand what you get out of bringing it up tbh.

If you would of simply left it at “I think its neat” and stopped there it would of been fine. But you felt the need to go on about comps.

Best take on this thread.

I didn’t ‘go on’ about anything, I’m suggesting that this wouldn’t be possible without aggro drops. Is my suggestion offending you somehow?

I enjoy memes as much as anyone - go read between the lines somewhere else. I’m not discounting the effort it took to do this.

I’m just explaining why the dude said you were probably full of it. It’s not my fault you want to be Captain Obvious.

So here you are, now doing the same thing. Fitting.

Guess I touched a nerve. Blood elves are usually super sensitive my bad.

I think your hair is nice though.

When someone responds to you, you think you touched a nerve? Cute.

I mean when they are oozing passive aggressive snark then yes.

As opposed to flat out aggressive snark?

Can this thread not turn into a multi month long conversation on if shammys are tanks or not? I hope, I hope, I hope.

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I tried to switch the topic to the ret paladin’s hair but he wasn’t having it.

are you like the gm or have people on a ransom?
why would they submit themselves to sucha thing

Maybe this will do it lol


I love your gif collection lol

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To be fair, I’ve tried to tank the first three bosses as a hunter.

Can hunters dodge while auto shooting? Whenever I pull agro in groups I usually just stop casting and take it to face and I end up dodging most of the big hits, its amazing how far a maxed def skill will take you.

Some of the Alice ones I actualy make though I havent in about six months. Just haven’t felt like it with my work.

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Not enough.

Actually, you’d be surprised. I would say that my threat is not great, but it’s adequate enough. Obviously people have to be mindful of their threat mainly because I lack a taunt and because their is an rng component to it. But most of the time it’s been perfectly fine.

I was about to ask how in the world you solo tanked the 2nd boss but I see you had someone taunt the bear. I have solo tanked that one by cancel casting divine shield to get the bleed off, but it is a pretty hard hitting boss.

Oh, and you had THREE healers, two of which are holy paladins chain casting 8k crit holy lights, which helps a bit!