Shaman Talent Trees

Blizzard has already said this was intentional. If a talent exists on a tree twice, taking it a 2nd time gives it a second time. It also gives you the flexibility to only take 1 charge if you want to take some other ability instead.

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There is no way it’s intentional lol sounds like they’re just trying to save face with that excuse.

I’m not sure about the GCD my friend, but that is a good question. We’d need to have someone test it out in Alpha or Beta.

They’ve already said that that is intentional. If you choose Stormkeeper twice, it counts as an additional charge. Blizzard said they know players like Stormkeeper a lot, and they provided a build that gave players easy access to it, with a bonus for those who wanted way more lightning in their build. I’m here for it.

My primary complaint is that Storm Elemental, the Primal Elementalist choice node, the Elemental Blast choice node, and Magma Chamber need to be shuffled around. Elemental Blast needs to be closer to the Ascendance node, Oath of the Far Seer, and Further Beyond, because that looks like it could be really fun build.

Finally, Skybreaker’s Fiery Demise needs to either be greatly enhanced, or moved adjacent to Fire Elemental, because it is not Final tier worthy.


They admitted when they “dun goofed” in other trees, I don’t see why they would feel the need to double-down in this case.

Occam’s Razor here. It doesn’t really make sense for them to tell the truth in one case and lie in the other for no apparent reason.

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In short, I just don’t see any real “theme” to the branches in the general/Enhancement trees. You might have two talents paired up with some synergy, but it just feels really disparate.

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That’s the last one I need to go over, I’ve been obsessed with Elemental :laughing: Blizz just needs to shuffle a few things, and it’d be hot (intentional pun). I played with the Resto calculator last night, and I really like all of the builds that I can craft with it. Time to take a look at Enhance!

Left = attack fast/often. Right = mastery/spell synergy. Middle = maelstrom weapon.

Seems fine to me.

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I see that in the first couple of tiers, perhaps, but it is extremely muddied further down the tree.

If I were to clean up the tree, I would swap bottom left and bottom right TBH as I think Ascendance has more synergy with Doom Winds and PWave with Lava Lash / Fire Nova. Middle path is fine.

You can justify the way it is now but the flip makes more sense to me.

I think Tiqqle is in and he mains Shaman. Maybe he’s checked it out some.

I think enhancement looks awesome. I was really down on this new talent system at first, especially when I saw the abysmal survival tree. But this one actually seems pretty great. The talents fit together nicely. There are more clearly defined play styles. I’m into it. Obviously how it performs will depend a lot on the numbers, but I was able to put together a build that I’m pretty sure I would have a lot of fun playing.

I also like the look of the Enhancement tree. There are plenty of good options, arranged in an interesting way. With good tuning, both Storm Strike and Hot Hand builds should be strong, and I’m sure we will see others.

The class tree however? I think that still needs work. I actually like Chain Harvest and would find that a more interesting thing to work toward near the bottom. I can’t event remember any of the current capstones off the top of my head. The whole bottom section feels downright forgettable compared to the enhancement tree.

It’s not all bad. For example, Hex feels like it’s in the perfect spot. We have some buffs for durability. I have always struggled with having too much glass in my glass cannon. So please keep the durability talents and make their tuning good enough that it’s a real option to use them for those of us who want to.

Yaknow what would make a good capstone in the class tree? Two words: Storm Elemental. As in the version that does not replace the Fire Elemental (or Earth Elemental) so we aren’t short-changing players of the Elemental spec.

for world play that seems pretty drab…probably a lot more meaningful in timed content, Id think, where every point can count.