Shaman Spell Batching Exploit

Do you wonder why they had to nerf it twice? Because the first nerf wasn’t enough and the second one wasn’t either.


If you’re a Holy Paladin pop Divine Favor, Start casting Holy Light and SPAM Holy Shock, so Holy Shock hits the milisecond after Holy Light does, if done correctly both should Crit, every time, so from one Divine Favor you get double crit

[Edit] Must be done on somebody other than yourself, and abit of latency helps =p

Even after the “fix” to Elemental Mastery I linked, people still managed to get double crits:

Two Shaman glitches

Glitch two; 2x Elemental mastery (requires elemental shaman)

Ok, for this glitch, it will let you cast lightning bolt, then elemental mastery, and still have elemental mastery after the lightning bolt. Find an enemy, though, it works better on PVP targets. Cast lightning Bolt. When lightning bolt is finished casting, it should fly into the air. Half way into the air, it will tell you the damage done, without even reaching the target! so, when the lightning bolt is almost to the point to where it shows damage, use elemental mastery. That requires a lot of timing, and if done right, you should still have elemental mastery on! double crits

(Has been tested, 50% works at all times)

thanks for reading these glitches

(I am sorry if these ARE reposts)

Not linking the source because it has some forum CoC violating content.