Shaman Race

So as I’m moving servers and getting everything set up for Dragonflight I was thinking of making a new Shaman, problem is I can’t decide on the race. I’m thinking either Mag’har Orc or Troll, maybe Zandalari too, I’d need to look at their animations.

Troll is great since you can glyph a lot of spells to be troll friendly. Spirit Raptors instead of wolves, ghost raptor form, different hexes etc.

Otherwise Mag’har

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Draenei is the only correct choice.




Our totems have elemental tails. :dracthyr_heart:

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Dwarf. Obviously. How is it even a debate?

Already have one Alliance side, well kind of, need to level her up and even then I don’t know if I’ll keep her or go with the Dark Iron, though I’m heavily tempted to go Ironforge Dwarf with Wildhammer customization.

Won’t lie, it is tempting but I’m trying to veer away from Vulpera. Hell the Rogue I’m thinking of making may be too much.

Because Horde doesn’t have any Dwarven master races, Dark Iron would have been perfect but sadly they are Alliance only.

Because this exists:


I can waggle my beard.

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The new starter island is great for this. It only takes an hour or so, is nicely paced and you can get a decent feel for a character by the end. Make a Troll and go through it.

Mag’har and Zandalari don’t get the benefit of the starter isle but if you make one just head off into the barrens and it’s not hard to get a feel for how they play.

If it were me, I’d go Darkspear Troll for ele and resto, their casting animations are best. Mag’har if you go enh, there isn’t much better than an Orc beating on someone with a couple maces with lightning and fire splashing everywhere.

So…you dont have one?

I… err… No, no I do not. I have a Dark Iron I leveled for Heritage but that’s it.

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Mag’har have nice totems IMO.

You don’t see too many around as well.

There’s also the ability to change tribes when you feel like it.

Just go normal orc, they have better racials and they look pretty much the same considering your armor will cover all of your skin details anyways.

Speaking as a zandalari, don’t go zandalari it is not as cool as it seems…

I have a lvl 60 orc shaman, vulpera shaman, dark iron dwarf shaman, and I have a Zandalari troll shaman that is kinda close to 60 and a pandaren shaman I started leveling this week

Out of all of those, IMO the casting animations look best on orcs

Hm had a thought about Highmountain Tauren, I like mountains, and their totems are amazing looking. About the only thing I don’t like about this is their spell animations specifically Lightning bolt. What I mean is when they cast and throw both hands up the bolt only comes out of one hand.

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Horde side, my Shaman is Zandalari, being my favorite race on the Horde with access to the class. Ancient and regal trolls with the oldest Empire of any of the mortal races, similar to why I like The Highborne/Nightborne.

Alliance I have a Draenei and a Dark Iron I’m leveling for heritage. I especially like that the Dark Irons are tied with the element of fire.

If I were to do another on the Horde, Id likely do Mag’har for heritage, with regular Orcs and Goblins being a close second.

I was meaning to ask, why do you say this?

Troll - my first character ever was a Troll shaman. They have decent casting and melee animations, gear looks good on them, and they just look cool.