Shaman Race

The one tasty bone Blizz has thrown us.

Orc, troll or Panda, accept no substitutes.

Mounts are too small compared to their size, their animations are pretty meh, druid forms get old pretty quick, their tusk/ears stick out from a lot of helmets, female version is just original troll female, just not much good about them. I originally chose them because I thought their druid forms would be cool, but only the ground and moonkin are :person_shrugging:

Ah, thank you for your time.

If you won’t go Alliance or Vulpera, next best is Pandaren. :stuck_out_tongue:

Goblin or bust!

It’s not that I won’t it’s just I already have plans for my Alliance alts.

I’m trying to avoid small races this time around, at least until they give us Gnome/Goblin exclusive Tinker.

Alright, fair enough lol

Orcs are always the trusty go-to, i also enjoy Pandas quite a bit.

I enjoy my Tauren shaman. Warstomp is an underrated ability.

Tauren Shaman is Best Shaman.

Then orc.

Then zappibois.