Shaman nerfs here!

Flametongue coefficient is extemely low. 10% or less even.

Rockbiter whopping 90% AP reduction in latest datamines.

Hopefully this ends the “shaman are OP” campaign.

who coulda seen this coming. interesting that they didn’t just swap it to the TBC version. Is it because they can’t?

but being honest, if crusader is available in p2, dual windfury is gonna be pretty close to WOTLK enh. WOTLK enh dominated 40-49.

Hopefully blizz overtunes paladins to 1 shot people and just not die, and then conveniently gets distracted by some stupid pirate event for entire phase without doing any balance changes…

But who are we kidding, they are probably looking at which new pally runes to nerf before P3 is even released.

A meaningful step toward bringing Shamans back in line with other classes, but far from being sufficient to finish the job.

Hopefully this ends shaman being OP.

where is this data mine? I cant find it :frowning:

Deep in the new hotfixes kinda hard to find but its there!

I wonder if the datamined change to missile barrage is a error in data mining or a hint to the speculated meta rune allowing a class to pick any rune.

Hey is it confirmed to do just lighting shield damage? I’m surprised it’s not like 40% effective or something like that. Man if it’s true damage …. That’s just…. Bonkers, and also just objectively better than the 6% chance to trigger lightning shield plus 9 stacks of it. Surely that’s an oversight and will be swiftly nerfed.

Where was the 90% nerf to rockbiter weapon? Its still 522 AP on wowhead and I didnt see a change in the shaman section to that spell.

Yes I see WoE has a shield requirement now which is reasonable.

However mental dex still means shamans get from one hit 340 SP with dual rockbiter which is more than most casters currently have without their helm on use effect.

Nothing will change, it never will. It’ll always be “every class that isn’t mine is busted.”

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get and utilize the recent PTR on it,

Yeah whatever gets back to the usual Mage, Priest, Rogue superiority huh…

because they nerfed RB by 90% so you wont use it anymore outside of tanking, plus you have to use a shield to make use of way of earth… No pretty much everyone is going elemental.

Mage, Priest, Rogue superiority >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shaman/Pally meta

Yeah even our shaman tank in Gnomer tonight struggled to keep threat due to the RB nerf.

Are you a complete nublet. Rockbiter nerfed by 90% and only works with shield

check the date pleb, this was pre announcement of the RB datamine.

Enhance sims are wf/wf now. Tank has to use shield for way of earth. Were you dropped down a flight of stairs or something? Im trying to figure out what your cognitive impairment level is and righr now it seems pretty high