Shaman nerfs here!

WoE requires shield! You’re all welcome for my thread with the suggestion, time to retire this thing forever!

Further data mining reveals 90% nerf to rockbiter wep!

Thank you SoD devs!


Well that’s a start, here’s to hoping double rock biter gets fixed as well!

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lol they buffed both melee and ranged hunter…
Ppl ganna cry harder on multi cs + trap combo


Spriest is still a war crime tho


This was the attempt…

its still not going to change anything… pvp theyll still run double rb… the AP is still worth much more than the lava lash damage.

Net result is that they’ll need an extra auto to kill you. But will be much less tanky.

I mean at the very least they can actually also get one shot like the rest of us!

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That omen change is massive for resto, especially if it can still proc off free wrath casts.

edit: nvm, you can’t get swiftmend for efflorescence and omen at the same time in phase 3

one of us! one of us!

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Lol, that isn’t a nerf when the greatest defense of a shaman is it’s offense. Have you seen the datamined 3 target flame shock rune? RIP to literally anyone facing an ele and rip to any bg’s at all. They’re going to have to implement same faction bg’s. Shamans are going to be king for the entire season.

A steady shot that causes 60%75% ranged weapon damage. lol this isnt a buff to ranged hunters, this is now just a very bad joke…


Feral still as bad as ever fantastic.

Elune’s Fire might even be more garbage than Gore.

The WF shamans going to kill you twice as fast as them old WOE shamans did. More changes needed cause I only saw buffs for shaman. The ES hitting you with up to 6 Lightingshield orbs at same time… OMG that is going to be insta death. The other 1 sec CD… LOL and aoe.

I wonder what class the devs are playing…

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Enh shamans are no longer a threat but with pvp sets and dual spec every enh shaman reroller can just play ele the spec that wasn’t touched and has caught nothing but buffs. One evil has been replace with another evil with a gun taped to it.

Not exactly what I would call a nerf, more of a playstyle change. Going to be interesting for sure.

It’s funny because in most 1v1’s WOE wasn’t even the chosen rune or what made Shamans good. With the addition of Riptide for Enh shamans they just won’t die next phase to much of anything.

Rank 6 Lightning Shield.
Value: 154 (SP mod: 0.267)
Every 1 second with infinite charges. (:upside_down_face:

each stacking damage increases the next damaging orb by 25% to a max of 25000%

They need to nerf rockbiter interaction with mental dexterity and woe survivability. Elemental and resto can’t be this tanky.


This is a really good change, and it will in no way mess with Shaman DPS too much at all. Also the Alpha change was absolutely necessary. And hopefully the buff to Lava Lash by increasing the damage done if using Flametongue is enough to keep Shamans away from running Double RB or even running RB in offhand at all.

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