Shaman nerfs here!

It kinda looks to me like it doesnt really matter lol. Dont ele use shield in pvp? Enhance might just double rockbiter snapshot their helm rune and then put on a shield and stack 5 maelstrom and instant lvb you in melee range critting for 2k while smashing you while they have 8k hp.

It looks to me like they just shifted their damage over into hybrid melee/spell damage with mental quickness and they can just use riptide now and heal theirselves with maelstrom

Pali talking about over survivability. Please sit down.


You do know how long it takes to stack 5 maelstrom when not using wf and not using an off hand? This would put you doing no damage for 20 seconds for a single lava burst. About the most useless suggestion I have seen.

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These are all great adjustments. Enhance tanks will be running lvb. Enhance dps will still be putting out similar burst. Elemental is going to have survivability. Gonna be funny having every shaman running riptide in pvp.

Guess my alt is swapping to Ele next phase to feast on more Alliance tears.

Still have to hard cast everything, unless surge of power gets buffed ele is still going to have little output while under pressure from any melee. Wish they really would have fixed flameshock and lvb to be same range as lb/cl.

Eh, even when I run SR I’m still pretty tanky on the shaman. Only 60s CD so you can run it almost every PVP encounter. Don’t get 6% crit reduction or stam buff but you get more damage reduction. This change isn’t that big of a deal.

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How is it useless, do you not pvp? Run wf main/rb offhand and run lava burst. In what world will enhance “do no damage for 20 secs” under any circumastances?

Nothing significant for rogues :frowning:





My brother in Christ are you using a 12 pound catfish for a mainhand? Even WITH WoE right now Ele and Resto both fold like fresh laundry with any melee on them. For resto it doesnt even have to be a melee controlled by a person. A hunter’s pet is sufficient.


Only thing I’d like to see is single target DoTs should affect totems.

Thatd be a waste of mana if they did. They have 5 HP. Run a 1.4 or lower wand instead. Still kills the totem and youre burning less time dealing with it.

If you don’t know how to bait kicks with one magic school to then hard-cast your other magic school just say that.


There’s a rogue that got his trying to gank my hunter alt last night. Camped him and caught him rezzing then got him again.

I kinda want him to just delete the character and bow to his hunter overlords.

But DoTs are instant cast and I can continue to run and tab to the totems and DoT them. Now I have to stop moving to wand them.

Always up versus up 15 percent of the time is a pretty big deal. I’m fine with the changes.

The post was about running one hand rb with a shield. In response to you, Lava lash provides better burst damage on initial engagement and when coupled with maelstrom chain lightning performs better than waiting for the lava burst since you’re giving up more burst with fs over es. But you do you.

Whats restos other school besides nature.

Since FT has SP scaling, and we’re getting AP>SP 30% conversion, FT has even more reason to be used.

As t least there’s mostly counterplay in a group setting. Honestly if you cleanse disease and magic a lot of their damage falls off. SW:D is their only “no counterplay” spell. Meanwhile enh just walk up and 1-shot.