Shaman Narrative in Dragonflight & Customization

I’d like to discuss about our shamanic friends in this expansion. The evokers are the stars of Dragonflight of course with dragons and all. However our blue friends are left feeling, well, blue. With the amount of elemental themes in this expansion I think it would be cool for shaman players to get some spotlight this expansion in both story & customization.


As mentioned with how key the elements are this expansion the Earthen Ring have been scarcely found. There are a couple of them here and there giving quests but I’d love to see a lot more. An example of what I’d like to see is Thrall or Nobundo having one of those “Stay awhile and listen” dialogues in Valdrakken at least, especially with Thrall being involved with dragons in the past.

Another thing I’d like to see are the thoughts on the elemental lords. The expansion is not over so maybe that is already planned just something I’d like to see. Would Therazane or Thunderaan approve of the primalists? It could be an opportunity for a neat shaman quest to go do a wellness check on them.


Totems: I love what was done with the warlock pets with the barbershop with unlockable customization and I’d like to see it expanded further. Totems are one of the special class flavors shaman bring and could see some customization. There could be an option for a shaman to unlock other totems of their faction and choose to select them in the barbershop. A player hitting exalted with Zandalar could access their totems for example. There are a lot of similar races that could prefer to change their totem type for whatever reason. Maybe a tauren wants to try out the highmountain tauren or a mag’har wants a traditional orc totem. More player customization is always good.

Then there are even more totems that could be added as extra customization for players. Examples would be making a Primalist-themed totem or a Furbolg-themed totems. There are also Tuskarr totems in the game that would be cool to have access to by unlocking from Iskarra renown!

Tuskarr Totem

Eye colors: There are a few cool elemental eye options that the primalists use that would be cool for shamans to get. Fire, earth, air, and icy themed eye customizations. They are extremely cool and would be awesome for shaman players to be able to unlock them since it fits their elemental class theme so well.

Wowhead article of the eyes


After all of the Shadowlands features of Thrall, I can see why they’d want to avoid throwing him into the spotlight again.

But there are many other prominent shaman and related characters that could easily have that spotlight, and it’s a big shame that DF, with all of its themes being deeply connected to the elements in some way, doesn’t feature the Earthen Ring in almost any capacity. There are a couple of representatives here and there, but the same goes for other organizations.

I’ve covered something of the sort before in another thread, but the Primalists remain the single most wasted concept in the expansion so far where narrative is concerned. They were introduced with great potential to be another Twilight’s Hammer, but on behalf of a more primal power instead of a downright malevolent one, and a rivalry with the Earthen Ring would have given shaman players a lot to fulfill their class fantasy. It’s true that currently, Evokers are the class that’s featured most prominently, but these themes should tie into one another.

Lastly yeeessssss those effects on the Primalists’ eyes need to be made available to players at some point. Even outside of shaman, they provide a great option to champion whatever power might have bestowed them, from the elements, to fel, to the light.


Something I completely forgot about - elemental customization! There have been so many elemental models over the years like the originals, revenants from Wraths, Cata eles, Pandaria elementals, WoD elementals and Dragonflight!

It could be similar methods of gathering them like the demon stuff like for example a WoD earth ele customization off Tectus or some off of timewalking for their respective expansions.

Since shamans don’t have water elementals then mages could have some, I know they have some glyphs for that already but just more variety is always a good thing.


I really thought this expansion we would have some love shown to shaman, particularly due to the primalists. Think of all the opportunities to get cosmetic totems off the final bosses (air-based Raszageth totem, fire-based Fyrakk totem, voidy Sark totem), the same goes with elemental customizations and ghost wolf forms.

It seems like a missed opportunity and can still be capitalized on. And seconding the primalist eyes! I am a broken record here, but any customization for players is always a net gain, even if that piece of customization is not your jam. It will be someone else’s, and shaman have not seen as much love as one would anticipate.