Shaman makeover

Like damn the shaman class is getting a major rework and getting a raid buff too that is awesome. And not just that I have a feeling that it will no doubt change the playstyle for the class as a whole. Also, they are removing stuff so that the class doesn’t feel bloated or convoluted.


Oh, so they do remember Shaman!

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Now if they could balance (no pun intended) the Druid trees and make them much better as well…

I’m glad they got a buff but the raid buff change makes me miffed about how they took an axe to the only real unique utility warriors brought to groups :frowning:

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I’m kind of confused about Enhancements ‘improvements’. All I see is that we lose Windfury and Elemental Blast taking a nosedive in damage.

And Primordial Wave is still a thing… yay…


Is it possible Shaman is really Sha-man, like part Sha of Anger, part man? I think there are a lot of clues leading to this.

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No, it’s just no longer a totem.

Baseline feral lunge though. Awesome. That was on my wishlist.


I guess. Still kind of… bland though.

Windfury is a raid buff now, and Flurry is baked in. No loss there at all.

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I would have liked more baseline, that’s for sure. Stormstrike and windfury at least should be baseline. Probably crash lightning too. It should at least be moved. It’s crazy how far down the tree it is. These are basic, core abilities for the spec! Molten Assault shouldn’t exist, let alone be two points. As if anyone is going to take Lava Lash and not make it do the rest of its job. It should just be baked into Lava Lash as standard. Hailstorm/Fire Nova shouldn’t be a choice node. Ice Strike should path to Hailstorm and Lava Lash should path to Fire Nova. It’s ridiculous that if you want IS and HS you have to also put three points into the Lava Lash gang.

Would also be nice if they just made our weapon imbues passive. It’s not like there’s any choice to be made with them. It’s just pointless upkeep. At least take them off the gcd!

It’s pretty crazy how much some classes get baseline while others get so little. Like warriors and mages. They get a well rounded, basic kit of abilities just handed to them. Their talents are just gravy.


I hope it actually is awesome …

I’ve remembered cases of the past where the masses cried out for either:

  • Some mild changes
  • a complete rework
  • or minor yet significant adjustments made to their class / spec

— Then later on, had an announced change by Blizzard – Which in turn the stated-announcement was celebrated by such masses … Then they were terrorised by the execution & playout of absolutely horrendous changes that were so reviled the mass-majority of people, they wanted it reverted back to its original state :grimacing:

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Kind of feels like elemental just sort of got nerfed with the huge cuts to maelstrom generation. Theres a couple nice QoL changes but I don’t see anything that looks remarkably better.

I think this is just the beginning(first pass) they got to start somewhere right… ?

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Nothing really that good came from the make over. None of shamans issues have been addressed.

No new acendance model.
No way to spread flame shock for ele.
No defensives.

Gonna be the first expac im benching my shaman. Its a shame so much love abd work has been given to other classes but shaman gets a weak look over.

I dont know how i feel about the maelstrom generation nerf. I guess I’ll find out when i try

wont happen. shaman have someone working on them. druids just get some random off the street to do what ever is needed for the day and then there kicked out. theres no way someone gets paid to make the druid changes that have happen with how our tree looks

I have mixed feelings on it all.

I think the scales tip positive, but…

I still can’t play shaman. Not as long as trinkets don’t have both int and agi on them (I know some do but most don’t).

Elemental looks way better imho. Ditto resto. I was really hoping they’d address enhancement’s 22 button rotation though. I gotta have a second chair and a co pilot to play.

I think the changes are a mixed bag - some good, some meh, and some bad. Enhancement got the short end of stick, but I don’t really play that spec so I don’t have much to comment on it. Resto seems to be the one who came out on top. As a Resto main since MOP, I can’t really see anything absolutely terrible with the changes. Elemental is really a mix of decent and terrible changes. I don’t understand the change to Ele’s Mastery though. Why make it buff Physical and not Fire damage? Is it to buff EQ? Why not just change EQ to Nature damage?