Shaman Earth Shock animation bug

It is now the 12th week after The War Within’s official launch and these same Shaman spells are still bugged and missing their spell casting animations and/or visual effects.

The Elemental Shaman spell “Earth Shock” is missing it’s special casting animation and is using a generic cast animation instead of the unique animation it used to have where the Shaman would raise a hand towards the sky (Much like the Earthquake casting animation).

The Restoration Shaman spell “Healing Wave” is missing its visual spell effect entirely, the swirling waves that moved from the player casting it to their target is no longer visible making the spell hard to track visually.

The Shaman talent “Traveling Storms” is currently bugged and removes both the spell casting animation AND visual spell effect of the “Thunderstorm” spell making it a completely invisible spell.

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