Shaman dual wield windfury percentage broken - 36% (not 20)

Hi guy nice troll post but if you want them to ‘fix’ WF have them remove the hidden 3 second ICD on WF because that’s not stated in the tooltip you are obsessing over. Then bring on 20% chance per weapon I’d love it. Originally during TBC you could kinda do that by using different ranks on each weapon and let me tell you what brother, it was glorious bananas.

I agree just give us 20% wf procrate with no icd and you’ll get no complaints from any shams :smiley:

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I agree with the OP, change it to exactly how the tooltip reads. :slight_smile:

  • Remove the ICD as it’s not mentioned and clearly a bug.
  • Make it 20% per hit.

This bug must be fixed at once! OP demands that windfury should be allowed to proc off itself.

So, I’ll entertain the idea of changing windfury to 100% behave word for word the way that the tooltip is written and let me tell you how it would be…

You would have two weapons with no ICD, independently proccing. Two weapons imbued with windfury proccing independently from each other just as the tool tip states would equal 40%. Opening with stormstrike + auto attack is already 4 simultaneous hits and now imagine a double wf proc for another 4 hits (2 from each weapon) for a total of 8 hits. The chance that at least one of those attacks resulted in a crit is very high and results in flurry so in 1.7 seconds the shaman has another chance to proc windfury again with either or both weapons simultaneously.

I don’t think you realize that you’re asking for shamans to be buffed. As a shaman main I welcome this bug fix.

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Read before posting.

Please fix windfury blizzard, the proc rate is currently far higher than it should be with each weapon having a 36% proc chance while dual wielding.

Correctly scripted this ability has a 20% static chance to proc.

Yes. If you follow the tooltip then they need to remove the ICD, which will be a massive buff to them.

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Post some data OP.

Tooltips are pretty consistently wrong in constantly updated games.

You sound like someone mad their POE tooltip DPS is much lower than their actual DPS numbers.

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You are wrong, because his data set is too small, given a much larger number of rolls over a long enough period of time it would be 20%

how do i down vote this

Honestly I’m not even mad, 8/10 burdy good troll post

The tooltip also says nothing about this hidden 3 second internal cooldown – I agree that this needs to be changed to fit the tooltip. Nerf it to 20% and remove this behind the scenes internal cooldown!

Tldr: man gets broken by big shaman wind attack, cries on forums