Shaman dual wield windfury percentage broken - 36% (not 20)




Abilities which support and offer dynamic proc chances quite literally suggest and state it in their description and tool tips.

Take for example Seal of Command which operates on a ppm system.

The tool tip states:
“Gives the Paladin a chance to deal additional Holy damage equal to 70% of normal weapon damage. Only one Seal can be active on the Paladin at any one time. Lasts 30 sec.”

“Gives the Paladin a chance to deal additional Holy damage”

Note that the ability does not have a static proc chance, and the ability doesn’t mention one,

this is across the board throughout wow items like Hand of Justice have a defined 2% chance to proc an extra attack. The tooltip then removed this chance quote in tbc since the proc now progressively reduces past 60

Now note that:
"[Windfury Weapon ]
“Imbue the Shaman’s weapon with wind. Each hit has a 20% chance of dealing additional damage equal to two extra attacks with 475 extra attack power. Lasts 30 minutes.”

Note that it doesn’t say aggregate chance, it doesn’t suggest a mean average, it doesn’t allude in any way to there being any other interpretation of its function.

It quite literally says

“Each hit has a 20% chance of dealing additional damage"

Stop trying to blatantly and selfishly present obviously flawed logic to keep a game breaking bug in game just because it benefits you.

Blizzard please fix this game breaking bug asap!!!

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I don’t have a shaman dude.

You’re literally arguing the RAW vs RAI argument that so many basement grognards have had.

Seal of Command seems to have either a 1s or a 1.5s ICD. Which is much quicker than any reasonable 2H weapon a Ret Paladin would be using. Therefore it is almost guaranteed that every time the paladin hit, SoC COULD proc.

Ehance shaman duel wield sub 3s weapons and WF has a 3s ICD. Which means that a lot of proc chances are invalid as they’ll hit during the cooldown period.

Do you fully understand that by advocating for an ironclad 20% chance only that you’ll actually be demanding that Enhance shamans will proc WF at LESS than 20% chance overall through fights?

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Do you realise that this is how the game functions and that it literally states as much in the definition and description of the ability, and arguing or suggesting anything other is advocating and suggesting the intentional incorporation of a bug, wind fury has a 20% proc chance it is currently bugged it literally states it in its tooltip it needs to be fixed.

Stop offering blatantly flawed logic to defend a blatantly biased agenda and bug

Fix windfury asap it should have a 20% proc rate while dual wielding, it currently has a 36% proc chance
End of story.

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Cool, do NOT play DnD with this guy unless you enjoy the Rules Lawyer dude.

There’s definitions/statements and what the devs intend. Also, YOU don’t get to declare what is and isn’t a bug. That’s up to the devs. Cause if the devs intend it, then it isn’t a bug is it?

Again, I am asking you to understand the consequences of what you’re asking. If you want this pushed through, then Enhancement shamans will have LESS than 20% WF procs on raid bosses. Are you okay with that?

Do you play a shaman btw? You don’t enjoy the supposed “higher proc chance” then? And I say supposed because you haven’t posted any, you know, DATA to support your claims.

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Th e only people acting like wf isn’t buggered right now are shaman mains… Get a grip and accept it. Its gonna be fixed eventually then youl look stupid


This guy is replying to his own post on his alts. Weirdo…

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Holy $hit we have some tick heads in here, the higher proc rate when dual wielding is intended and was always there but please KEEP REPORTING IT so they add it to the “not a bug” list.

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There has literally never been a patch note blizzard announcement, in game tool tip or description which has ever said that throughout the entire history of wow, so either you are living in an alternate time line or you have no idea what you are talking about.

All that has ever been officially corroborated is the exact in-game description of the ability which unequivocally states that windfury procs at a static chance of 20%:
"[Windfury Weapon ]
“Imbue the Shaman’s weapon with wind. Each hit has a 20% chance of dealing additional damage equal to two extra attacks with 475 extra attack power. Lasts 30 minutes.”

Currently this ability is bugged and instead of the correct 20% proc chance it is incorrectly proccing at a rate of 36% on each weapon augmented with the spell independently while dual wielding.

Blizzard please fixed this bugged and broken spell and make windfury proc at 20% as it did in tbc and should in classic tbc.

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We are still waiting on this MAJOR bug to be fixed, please fix this issue as soon as possible!

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Has anyone actually provided evidence of this? I’m terrible with addons and everything, but it should be pretty easy to take a shaman, put WF on both weapons, and there should be an addon or something that can measure your WF procs from one weapon. If you swing your main hand weapon 1000 times and the proc rate is 36% there should be around 360 procs.

Again I am a shaman myself but I don’t even what addon to look for to track this. If anyone can point me to one I could do this test myself. Just anecdotally messing around with it out in the world I don’t think its proccing 36% of the time. It seems to be about 20%.

They did this to keep enhancement dps viable in PvE while not completely broken in PvP. I really don’t understand how you can say you tested this without even putting in a second of research. Join the shaman discord and/or watch the advance shaman’s guide on Youtube. BTW, I love how you don’t even provide any numbers to back your claim.

(Goto 01:01:11 in the video.)

I can confirm it is working correctly.

After 724 hits, I had 21.270718232% chance of proccing WF with it on both weapons.

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Thank you for confirming that the ability is in fact broken Chromag.

What you recorded was a perceived proc rate of 21% (which in itself is above 20%) with an active ICD which should make eligible hits ineligible, with the spell functioning correctly using the 20% chance listed on the ability the proc rate would actually be far below 20% as a result of the ICD which will in reality make many hits which should have procced windfury ineligible hits due to the proc being on cooldown…

so what you have actually done is undeniably confirmed and proven that the ability is in fact definitely bugged and indisputably broken; and not matching the 20% static proc rate as listed on the tooltip for the spell at all.

An ability which procs at a 20% rate with an ICD should never yield a perceived 20% proc rate; if it is experiencing a 20% proc rate that means the actual chance to proc is FAR higher then 20%.

Please fix this broken ability blizzard.

Wind fury is currently experiencing proc rates FAR over 20%, and as is listed on the tooltip of the ability the chance which this ability should be 20% proc on hit.

"[Windfury Weapon ]
“Imbue the Shaman’s weapon with wind. Each hit has a 20% chance of dealing additional damage equal to two extra attacks with 475 extra attack power. Lasts 30 minutes.”

Well this has been a really stupid read.

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Wait, your earlier argument is that the spell tooltip should be the ultimate source of truth. The spell tooltip doesn’t say anything about an ICD so I don’t see how that’s relevant. The spell tooltip says 20% chance and that is what the data is showing.

Sure. I’ll take the 20% proc rate if they remove the internal 3-sec CD. :slight_smile:


No, because they changed the mechanic when they added the ICD to WF to keep the DPS average similar. I don’t understand how you can’t understand that. Also there is several abilities that function completely differently than their tooltips, so that is an awful argument.

Attention seeking Andy

Please link a patch note blizzard post or any credible blizzard based source for this, oh wait you can’t because what you wrote is completely false not once throughout wows decade and a half history has this ever been stated, anywhere, ever.

Blizzard please fix this broken spell it is currently bugged and proccing at a 36% proc rate on each weapon while dual wielding, this scripting is incorrect, the proc rate as is stated on the tooltip of the ability should be 20%.

This game breaking shaman bug needs to be fixed immediately.
